2020 US Elections – Press Review: “Most Shameless, Conceited, Stupid and Dysfunctional Leadership”


Democrat Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the US presidential election after an unprecedented electoral thriller. The videos show how people in the US dance in the streets to celebrate. And the press is also excited: nationally and internationally, the first votes in favor of Biden’s victory are almost entirely positive.

“Time online” for example, he evaluates the election result as “liberation” and writes: “Not only in the United States, all over the world now a sigh of relief can be heard.” And the Newspaper “Bild” Simple title: “It’s Joe’s time.”

Overseas, people already have high hopes for Joe Biden as the new president. According to the “New Zurich Newspaper” from Switzerland, Biden can be trusted to “restore confidence.” Y “The world” in Spain he believes that the 77-year-old will also improve world politics: “Joe Biden, a president who can cause a thaw between the United States and the world.”

He formulates it with a little more care. “World”. Because in some states Joe Biden only won by a few percentage points. Donald Trump has also announced a legal battle. “The victory is huge, but close”, writes the “Welt”. “Joe Biden now has a clear mission: to take a course from the political center, if possible without alienating the left wing of the Democratic Party. And he has the opportunity to make history, regardless of it.”

That also points to Biden’s role as a great unifier. “Wall Street Journal” down. He had a “mandate to moderate” and had to be careful not to take a left-wing political course. Because that would “bitterly divide the country.”

At the same time, commentators condemn Trump’s behavior during his presidency.

One of the strongest judges “New York Times” on the term of the president. “The American people have looked into the abyss of autocratic nationalism and have decided to step back from that abyss. … President Trump’s four-year attack on our democratic institutions and values ​​will soon be over.”

The british too “Guardian” goes tough on Trump. “We are finally at the end of the extremely bad presidency of Donald Trump. Voters have voted against what can only be described as the most brazen, vain, stupid and dysfunctional leadership this country has ever suffered.”

Icon: The mirror
