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Watch the video: 2020 US elections: Donald Trump’s term in quotes.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, polarizes like no other headline before him. We remember the four years of Trump and show his most important statements and quotes.

“America first, America first”
“From this moment, the United States will come first.” In his inaugural address in January 2017, Donald Trump made clear what the next four years will mean. Trump relies on great national freedom of action and the assertion of American interests. To do this, it removes the US from international obligations and treaties, such as the Paris climate protection agreement. And it is imposing punitive tariffs on Mexico, China and the European Union.

Trump also promises an economic rebound with “America First.” With the help of the Republican majority, you can implement a comprehensive reform of the tax system in 2017. The law is the largest package of tax breaks ever passed. But especially for companies and the economically well-off layers.

“Despite the constant negative press covfefe”
Trump tweeted this cryptic message on May 31, 2017. He is probably complaining about critical and negative reports about himself and actually wanted to write “coverage” instead of “covfefe.” But the network community continues to baffle.

The tweet “covfefe” is representative of Trump’s way of communication. He seeks direct contact through social networks and directly communicates his global political vision of things. Press conferences at the White House are almost unnecessary. Trump’s statements on Twitter even have an impact on the stock markets.

“I am the least racist person in the room”
In the second television duel between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the current president of the United States is asked about his previous statements and the climate of hatred towards blacks and marginalized groups.

As is often the case, Trump denies any blame. However, since the beginning of his presidency, Donald Trump has repeatedly attracted attention through racist and politically incorrect formulations. In 2018, for example, in a meeting with senators, Trump asked why the United States should accept people from “shitty countries.” This meant immigrants from Africa and Haiti.

Time and time again, Trump downplays deadly police violence, like the death of George Floyd. Floyd’s death was “terrible,” but police killed “more whites” than blacks, Trump said in an interview with CBS broadcaster.

“Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life ”
In late September, the president of the United States was infected with Covid-19. After a few days in the hospital, he addresses his followers when they release him. You should not be afraid of Corona or let the virus dominate your life.

To many Americans, this statement may seem like sheer mockery. To date, more than 230,000 people in the United States have died from or with the virus.

According to an interview with journalist Bob Woodward, it was said that the president of the United States was informed in February that the virus is transmitted through the air. Still, Trump continues to downplay the virus. On purpose, as you will later admit, so as not to cause panic.
Trump apparently survives his own Covid-19 infection well, returns to the White House after three nights in the hospital, and resumes the election campaign. Critics consider that the moment is premature because it has not recovered. Whether that gave him the decisive advantage remains to be seen.
