2020 US Elections Live: Report: Trump Administration Does Not Deliver Congratulatory Telegrams To Biden


The London Financial Times commented on the refusal of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to recognize the electoral victory of Joe Biden:

The basis of all stable democracy is a smooth shift of power.. By trampling on America’s 200-year tradition, Donald Trump is putting the system at risk. The question is why? It is conceivable that Trump is trying to get more donations to pay off his campaign debts. According to the fine print, more than half of the donations his campaign collects for election campaigns can be used to pay off “general electoral debt.” It is also possible that Republican leaders will play the Trump charade to fuel rank-and-file enthusiasm for the second round of the Jan.5 election in Georgia, which will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate. Even the most innocuous explanations for Trump’s actions are deeply troubling. By calling this choice stolen, you are poisoning the well for Biden. In the interest of all Americans, Trump should give in as soon as possible. “
