2020 US Elections Live: McConnell: Trump Has “100 Percent” Right to Legal Action Based on Elections


In four states, a decision is still pending on the US presidential election last Tuesday. There, as in other states, poll workers continued counting votes on Monday. This resulted in minor changes in most. Overall, Democratic candidate Joe Biden has been chosen as the winner, with a total of 279 votes for the December election meeting. 270 of these voters are sufficient for the majority.

GEORGIA: The southeast state has 16 votes for the electoral assembly. Biden led by a 10,621 vote lead on Monday. If you count a good 98 percent of the vote, that means 49.5 percent for Biden and 49.3 percent for incumbent Donald Trump. Given the very close result, the government of this US state has already announced that the votes will be counted again.

NORTH CAROLINA: The East Coast State sends 15 voters. Here Trump led by 75,421 votes after Biden was ahead at the start of the count. After counting about 98 percent of the votes, Trump reached 50.0 percent. Biden had 48.6 percent.

ARIZONA: There are 11 voters in the southwestern state of the United States. Biden continued to lead just ahead of Trump. Biden’s clear lead at the start of the count has been reduced to 17,131 votes. With this count of about 98 percent, Biden had a 49.5 percent stake, ahead of Trump at 48.9 percent. The AP news agency and Fox television station had already announced a decision in favor of Biden in Arizona on election night, but other outlets were reluctant.

ALASKA: In the sparsely populated state of the extreme northwest of the United States, three votes will be cast for the electoral assembly. With about 52 percent of the votes counted, Trump had a clear advantage of about 54,600 votes. The incumbent represented 62.2 percent and Biden 33.6 percent.
