2020 US elections live: Biden comments on victory, Trump does not recognize the result


2020 U.S. elections
Biden Wants to Present Corona Expert Advice: Trump’s Team Continues to Ask for Process Donations

See in the video: “We did it, Joe!” – Harris learns of the electoral victory while running, Merkel congratulates on Twitter.

In Germany, Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential election is welcome. Shortly after the announcement by various US databases and media, Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated the Democrat on Twitter: “Congratulations! The American citizens have decided. Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States of America. I wish him luck. and the success and also congratulate Kamala Harris, the first elected vice president of her country. ” Harris, who will be the first woman and the first black person to hold that position, likely received the news of her victory while running. He posted a video on Twitter: “We did it. We did it, Joe. You’re going to be the next president of the United States.” Merkel also looks forward to a future collaboration with Biden and Harris. “Our transatlantic friendship is irreplaceable if we are to face the great challenges of our time,” wrote the Chancellor. Maas also commented on the short message service: We are looking forward to working with the next US government “For a new transatlantic beginning, a New Deal,” Maas wrote. In Cologne, too, German citizens saw Biden’s victory as a positive sign: “Yeah, cool, happy, great kid, happy, honest.” “Wonderful for Mr. Biden. And Mr. Trump, I don’t need to say anything.” “It may not change, but it can certainly guarantee a more normal relationship between the United States and Europe, Germany and NATO, etc.” US President Donald Trump wrote in a statement: “The simple fact is that this election is far from over.” The incumbent had already announced that he wanted to challenge the result of the elections.


Joe Biden wins the 2020 US elections. This is reported by various US media. Including CNN, NBC, the New York Times, but also media close to Trump like Fox News. The developments in the US elections in Stern-Liveblog.

The United States has elected its new president. A long time was counted and expected, calculated and feared by both sides. Now it is clear: Joe Biden will win the 2020 US elections. The US media unanimously report that: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, the “New York Times” and Fox News. Biden won the key state of Pennsylvania with his 20 voters, and with him the entire election.

According to the US broadcaster, Biden has at least 273 voters with Pennsylvania, and is now credited with a victory in the state of Nevada. That would give Biden 279 voters. You need 270 to win an election. The 77-year-old will be the 46th president in American history, and also the oldest in American history.

Trump had already announced in advance that he would challenge the election result with legal means and wants to go to the Supreme Court. The president speaks without any evidence of the massive electoral fraud with which the Democrats wanted to “steal” his election.

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2020 U.S. elections – the stern live blog

  • Florian Schillat

  • Florian Schillat

    Kayleigh McEnany, Trump’s spokeswoman, described a crowded victory celebration by Biden supporters as a risk of corona infection.. In your private account she posted a video on twitter cheering crowd outside the White House in Washington, writing: “Where is Joe Biden calling for an end to the massive overcast events that are taking place in his name?”

    The video, originally posted Saturday by CNN correspondent Caitlan Collins, showed hundreds of people cheering on the north side of the White House. According to a reporter from the German press agency, most of those present wore masks.
    to reduce the risk of corona infection.

  • Florian Schillat

    US Senator Bernie sanders he described Biden’s election as a victory for democracy. Whether Trump admits defeat or not “is not important”the Democrat told the CNN news channel. “Joe Biden won the election and will take office,” he said. Trump will continue to rule until Biden’s inauguration on January 20. He speaks of electoral fraud and refuses to acknowledge the victory of his democratic rival.

  • Florian Schillat

  • Florian Schillat

    Joe Biden wants one on Monday, according to US media reports Expert advice to contain the coronavirus pandemic Imagine. The establishment of the body before the announcement of the selection of personnel for the top positions of the cabinet underscored the importance that Biden plans to give to the fight against the pandemic, the news website “Axios” reported. According to CNN, it should be a twelve-person expert advisory panel (blog post from 7:58 pm).

    Trump will continue to rule as incumbent president until Biden’s scheduled inauguration on January 20. However, Biden had said before Tuesday’s election that if he won the election, he would immediately contact governors and mayors to advance the fight against the pandemic.

  • Tina_Poker

    Former First Lady Michelle Obama Finds Clear Words Amid the Joy of Victory about him President elect Joe Biden. In a message on Instagram he warns: “It’s a first step.” Don’t forget that many millions of people voted for the status quo, even though that meant supporting lies, hatred, chaos, and division.

    We have a lot of work ahead of us. We must reach out to these people in the years to come and reconnect with them through what unites us.

  • Florian Schillat

    Despite the electoral defeat of US President Trump continues to call on the Republican campaign team to raise funds to litigate against the results. However, the fine print on the donation requests shows that the funds will also be used to pay off campaign debts. An email from the campaign team read: “Blatant Election Fraud in Corrupt Cities Ruled by Democrats
    it is incomparable. The left has shown that there is nothing it would not do to wrest power from the American people. “The email sent on behalf of Donald Trump also reads:” This election is not over yet. We still have a long way to go, and I need to know that I can count on you. “Clicking on a link in the email takes the user to a website that says Trump is creating a” task force. ” Defense of the elections. Trump has criticized electoral fraud, of which there is so far no evidence, and has announced that he will take legal action against Biden’s electoral victory.

  • Tina_Poker

    What will change with Joe Biden at the helm? New York Senator Chuck Schumer has a clear vision: “The long dark night in America is over, there is a new dawn”said the democrat in one Speaks. That dawn could be even brighter if the Senate recovers and the two Georgia seats also go to Democrats. “Joe Biden won the election fairly and honestly, but now the hard work begins,” he said, “we all have to roll up our sleeves and help America!”

  • Marc drewello

    the the oldest former president of the United States and his wife Please send your congratulations to the winner of the election and his running mate:

    Along with Rosalynn, I congratulate our friends, President Elect Joe Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris.

    let the 96 year old Jimmy Carter and the 93-year-old former first lady Rosalynn, who resided in the White House from 1977 to 1981, through the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

    We are proud of your well-run campaign and look forward to the positive change you are bringing to our nation.

  • Tina_Poker

    Record! Never before has a candidate received more votes in the US presidential election than Joe Biden. In 2008, Barack Obama had already broken a record with 69,498,516 votes, and his former vice president has now surpassed him, according to CBS News. 74,446,452 votes have already been cast for Biden and not all have been counted yet. This means that Biden is currently ahead of Trump with more than 4.1 million votes. But that has also broken Obama’s record with 70,294,341 votes so far.

  • Florian Schillat

    So now the state of Nevada goes to Biden (blog post as of 8:30 pm). Remarkable: Joe Biden would, in all likelihood, have six states in this election turned around – thus recaptured by the Republicans. If the leadership remains, and not all votes have been counted, the following key states will be colored blue (Democrats) instead of red (Republicans): Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

  • Leonie_Scheuble

    After Pennsylvania, Joe Biden also wins in the state of Nevada. He currently has 279 voters on his side. Donald Trump currently has 213 voters. Fox News He had first predicted Nevada for Biden.

  • Tina_Poker

    In a “red” Miami venue, Biden’s supporters are particularly keen to celebrate. Café Versailles is considered the meeting place of the Cuban community and contributed significantly to Trump’s victory there. But now the Democrats are winning. They make a pilgrimage to coffee in their cars, spinning around, honking and shouting slogans like “We love Biden” and “Democracy up” as they pass.

  • Florian Schillat

    Who would have thought that silence could be so strong? Neither the Trump family (be it First Lady Melania, her daughter Ivanka, or her son Donald Jr.), nor the high-ranking Republicans (like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel or Vice President Mike Pence) are reactions to be heard. Donald Trump himself does not want to acknowledge Biden’s electoral victory, as stated in a message. And, according to a report by US broadcaster CNN, they have not yet contacted Biden.

  • Florian Schillat

    One skillet to New York City, Trump’s hometown: this is also where the victory of Biden and Harris is celebrated, or rather, that the famous son of the city has to leave the White House. As the recordings show, people yell “Trump, you’re fired!” – Trump, you’re fired. A quote from the president himself: before his presidency it was Trump Key phrase in der Reality-TV-Show “The Apprentice”.
