2020 US Elections Live: Apparently Crown Outbreak In The Secret Service After Trump’s Campaign Trips


Ten days after the elections, a majority vote is still pending in two states. Here is an overview of preliminary results in the US pending decision are.

Georgia: The state in the southeast has 16 votes for the electoral assembly. Biden’s lead leveled off at more than 14,100 votes. That means 49.5 percent for Biden and 49.2 percent for Trump. In view of the adjusted result, all votes in this US state must be counted again by hand. In the case of the counts after the last presidential elections, there have been no changes of more than three digits so far.

North Carolina: The East Coast state sends 15 voters. Here Trump led with more than 71,200 votes and had a 49.9 percent turnout. Biden had 48.7 percent.

After the AP news agency and Fox News television station declared Joe Biden the winner early on in Arizona, stations NBC News and CNN did the same on Thursday night (local time). In general, the candidate from the Democratic Party has also been chosen as the winner., with 290 votes for the electoral meeting of December 14. 270 of these voters are sufficient for the majority. Incumbent Donald Trump has 217 voters behind him so far, but he still doesn’t want to admit defeat.
