2020 US Elections: Joe Biden Addresses The People In A Speech


Joe Biden, US Democratic nominee.
“My fellow Americans, we do not have a final declaration of victory, but the numbers tell a clear and compelling story: We will win this race.”

We are on the way to more than 300 electoral votes. And look at the numbers at the national level: we are going to win this race with a clear majority at the national level behind us. We received more than 74 million votes. Let me repeat it: 74 million votes. That’s more votes than any presidential candidate in American history, and our number continues to grow. We beat Donald Trump with more than 4 million votes.

What is becoming clearer is that a record number of Americans, of all races, creeds, and religions, have opted for change. He has given us a mandate to take action against Covid, for the economy, against climate change and systemic racism. They have made it clear that they want the country to unite, not to separate itself further. People spoke.

No matter who you voted for, I am sure of one thing: the vast majority of the nearly 150 million Americans who have voted want to remove evil from our politics. We certainly won’t agree on many issues, but we can at least agree to be courteous to each other. We have to leave anger and demonization behind. It is time for us to come together and heal as a nation. It won’t be easy, but we have to try. My job as president will be to represent the entire nation.

I have never been so optimistic about the future of our nation. There is no reason why we cannot turn the 21st century into a profitable one. We just have to remember who we are. This is the United States of America. There was never anything we couldn’t that we couldn’t achieve when we did it together. I hope to talk to you again tomorrow. Thanks a lot.”
