2020 U.S. elections live: Trump’s first explosion looms: more and more results are leaking


On November 3, Americans must decide: Who will be their new president: current Donald Trump or challenger Joe Biden?

  • The current Donald Trump will be challenged by Democrat Joe Biden in the 2020 US elections.
  • In the live ticker, we will keep you updated on developments in the 2020 US elections.
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Update of November 4, 1:46 am.: Trump, as expected, has the state West virginia Won with five voters, Biden apparently wins Virginia (13 voters).

In Florida the Democratic challenger and President Trump were close after counting about two-thirds of the votes. Especially in the populous county Miami Dade but Biden got fewer votes than he likely would need to win the state. American commentators and experts assumed that Trump had a good chance of winning Florida. The republican depends absolutely on the state, his opponent would have other paths to victory.

First predictions for the 2020 US elections: Trump secures two states

Update from November 4, 1:20 am: Well there first concrete projections: According to the transmitter CNN Donald Trump is likely to be the eleven voters in Indiana to receive. This result would be consistent with the surveys. Also in Kentucky (eight voters) the incumbent is obviously in front, Vermont (three voters) is said to have secured challenger Joe Biden.

Update from November 4 at 00:58: The american president Donald trump appears Twitter just before the start of the hot phase of the election night, sure of victory. “The whole country looks good. Thank you very much, ”it read in large letters in a headline post. Presidents of United States.

Update on November 4 at 12:45 am: the first polling stations have now closed their doors regularly, but only in some parts of the States of Kentucky and Indiana. The first results will only be available from there after all voting options have been closed, that will be over. 1.00 am Germany time be the case. The US elections are also at 1 am Georgia, South Carolina, Vermont, and Virginia finished.

These initial data will not yet provide much information. Only Georgia is one of the decisive “battle states”. Kentucky, Indiana and South Carolina are likely to come Donald trump go to vermont and virginia Joe biden. The last polling stations do not close until 7am German time in Alaska.

2020 US election: will Donald Trump retire in defeat?

Update on November 3 at 11:42 pm.: It is one of the most delicate questions that exist. 2020 U.S. Election Night: Becomes Donald trump any loss against Joe biden accept – or will you even try to declare yourself the winner early? Before the closing of the first polling stations, The american president expressed surprisingly moderate. On your home transmitter Fox News Trump declared that he would only declare himself the winner “if there is a victory, if there is a victory.” There is no “reason to play”.

However, Trump did not want to raise doubts about a win. “I think we are going to win,” he said. Negative survey results the headline referred to the scope of the fable: it was “suppression surveys”. In an appearance in front of field workers in Arlington bei Washington Trump also explained, “Losing is never easy”: “Not for me.”

Updated November 3 at 11:33 pm.: Twitter scolds Melania Trump: in the 2020 US elections, the vote of the first lady triggers angry reactions. His appearance was a “slap in the face”, it is said.

2020 U.S. Election: Fear of Escalation – Powerful Measure at the White House

November 3 update, 9:57 pm: How Security measures for possible Protests After the US presidential election, the White House in Washington has passed a Zaun been cordoned off. In the images there is a white one, similar to a wall. Attachment on the south side of the center of power of the American capital.

Parts of the area around the White House, including Lafayette Park in the north, had been partially closed to the public since the summer, due to protests, but also due to construction work.

Update on November 3 at 6.44 pm: First woman Melania Trump you have cast your vote. Waving, the 50-year-old man went to a polling station on Tuesday palm beach in the contested state Florida. Journalists report that Melania Trump was the only one who did not wear mouth and nose protection. The american president Donald trump he himself had already cast his vote at the end of October. The couple’s official residence is Trump Hotel Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach.

US Elections: First Numbers for Trump and Biden: Decisions Already Made Here

Update from November 3 at 2:04 pm: Prior to United States Election many Americans were disturbed by strange phone calls. What does the Washington Post. A robot voice attracted around 10 million people with the words “Stay safe and stay home” They called by phone to keep from leaving their homes. Many suspect the calls were made to try to keep them away from polling stations.

According to the Washington Post have the Robot calls it already started in summer. But in October there were many more. Alex Quilici, responsible for the portal YouMail, see a specific measure in action uncertainty. “If you want to wreak havoc in the United States during the elections, one way to do it is definitely a push call,” he explained. Washington Post. The victims told the newspaper they suspect the calls were from the government.

US Election: First Outcome of Trump-Biden Duel There: Lightning Count in Place with 100 Percent Winner

Update from November 3 at 12.09 pm: Polls in the east coast states of New York, Virginia and Maine are now open (6:00 am local time).

Update on November 3 at 10:01 am: The first result of the United States Election came from the small town as always Dixville notch in the US state. New Hampshire. Shortly after midnight local time (Tuesday 6 am CET) they just gave five voting residents cast their vote at the polling station within minutes. Joe biden the five opposition democrats took office Donald trump So he left empty-handed. In the neighboring town Millsfield in contrast, Trump received 16 votes and Biden only five.

2020 US Elections On Live Gauge: Will Donald Trump Stay In Office? Or will Joe Biden be the new president?

Washington – It was the great sensation four years ago. Donald trump defeats Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in tough election campaign and turns 45 President the United States. Now, in 2020, the next elections are planned. It remains Triumph for another four years in office or lose your job to former Obama Vice President Joe biden? To who Live-Ticker let us keep you updated on the latest developments.

On November 3, the American people the possibility of your new President to choose. Although that is not entirely correct: the American you can cast your vote now. And by postal vote (“early voting”). A few days before the actual election date, according to the “US Election Project.” From political scientist Michael McDonald of the University of Florida, more than 76 million voters already have theirs. President chosen * (as of October 29, 2020). For comparison: four years ago, a total of 137 million people voted. That corresponds to more than half of all the votes cast in the 2016 elections.

2020 US Elections: Trump or Biden? Americans elect their US president.

the American they do not directly elect their head of state with their vote. Instead, they elect the 538 voters and voters, who 41 days later in a secret ballot to elect the new one. Presidents of United States choose. The maxim “Winner takes all” applies: Winner takes all. If a candidate wins, even if it is still in short supply, a state gets all the votes from it. Generally the Presidential election but how is it decided once a candidate has at least 270 votes from that Electoral College. The newly chosen President He will take over government business on January 20, 2021. The winner of the election will then officially move to the White House as part of his inauguration.

In the US, the so-called “States of oscillation”. States in which the two candidates are in a face-to-face race. Florida (29 voters), Pennsylvania (20) or Michigan (16) are particularly popular due to their high number of votes. Current polls see themselves in the “States of oscillation” almost without exception Joe biden in pole position. See the US policy website “RealClearPolitics” for forecasts. Triumph in Florida currently again just ahead of his challenger. But beware: even four years ago, all the forecasts predicted a victory for Hillary Clinton. The result is known.

2020 US Elections: “Rocking States” Tip the Balance

Donald trump enter in the choice In 2020 again with a trusted ally: Mike pence. The 61-year-old will be in a new legislature of Triumph keep acting like a vice. Joe biden got female support aside. US Senator Kamala harris would be his vice president. She would be the first woman and also the first black woman in this position. Of course, the election campaign was mainly influenced by the current Corona crisis.

By the way, not only the chosen one is President the United StatesNovember 3 is a kind of super election day. Because the two houses of the United States Congress will also be reappointed: House of Representatives complete that senate only in part. Democrats currently hold the majority in House of Representatives. the senate it is currently in Republican hands. Unlike the “house,” each state, regardless of size, has two representatives in the Senate.

You can find all the developments and news about the US presidential elections here on the live indicator. * Merkur.de is part of the Ippen digital publishing network nationwide

List of images: © OLIVIER DOULIERY / afp
