2020 U.S. elections live: the media allies of the president of the United States begin to turn their backs on Donald Trump


Here’s a quick recap of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s speeches:

In his victory speech, Biden vowed to unite the country and not divide it further. The American Democrat described his victory in the presidential election as “clear” and “convincing.” “I promise to be a president who does not want to divide, but to unite. “ It is time to heal. The former vice president called for a new political union. Political opponents are not “enemies”: “They are Americans.”

Biden, 77, has appealed to supporters of incumbent Donald Trump to give him the opportunity to work together for a better America. He was elected a Democrat, but he will be the president of the country and “will work just as hard for those who did not vote for me,” Biden promised. “It is time to put the harsh rhetoric aside,” Biden demanded. “Let’s give ourselves a chance”, he said. “We have to stop seeing our opponents as enemies,” Biden said. For him there are no democratic or republican states, but only “America,” Biden stressed. Notably, Biden did not mention Donald Trump in his entire speech.

Biden announced the formation of a group of experts in the fight against the corona pandemic for Monday. “Our work will start with getting Covid under control.”

US voters have changed the game in America, according to US-elected Vice President Kamala Harris. “When our democracy itself was on the ballot, America’s soul was at stake and the world was watching, you announced a new day for America.”Harris said in his victory speech in Wilmington, Delaware. Americans chose Joe Biden for Hope, Unity, Science and Truth, Harris said. The president-elect is a “Curator”, someone who could America one.

Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president in US history on January 20.
