2020 U.S. elections live: Republican governor declares Biden the winner


Here one overview to the preliminary results in those Our statesI still have no decision or particularly controversial are.

GEORGIA: The state in the southeast has 16 votes for the electoral assembly. Biden’s lead leveled off Thursday at a good 14,000 votes. That means 49.5 percent for Biden and 49.2 percent for incumbent Donald Trump. Given the tight result, the government of this US state has already announced that all votes will be counted by hand. In the case of the counts after the last presidential elections, there have been no changes of more than three digits so far.

NORTH CAROLINA: The East Coast state sends 15 voters. Here Trump led by around 73,300 votes and had a 50% turnout. Biden had 48.7 percent.

ARIZONA: There are 11 voters in the southwestern state of the United States. Biden’s clear lead at the start of the tally declined further Thursday to 11,635 votes. That’s 49.4 percent for Biden and 49.1 percent for Trump. The AP news agency and Fox television station had already announced a decision in favor of Biden in Arizona on election night, but other outlets were reluctant.

NEVADA: In the state with the entertainment metropolis Las Vegas, six votes will be cast, which, according to US media reports, Biden gets. His lead increased to more than 36,800 votes on Wednesday. The president-elect of the United States had a participation of 50.2 percent, Trump did not reach a majority with 47.5 percent.
