2020 U.S. elections live: only 463 votes separate Biden from Trump in Georgia


2020 U.S. elections
Only 463 votes separate Biden from Trump in Georgia

Trump’s statements in the video: “If illegal votes count, they could steal our victory from us”

In a speech Thursday night, US President Donald Trump spoke of large-scale electoral fraud without providing evidence: “If you count the legal votes, we win easily. If you count the illegal votes, you could try to win us stealing. If you count the votes that came too late, we’ll take a closer look. Many voices came too late. ” “They were knowingly wrong. There were numbers that were ridiculous and everyone knew it at the time. There was no blue wave as they predicted. That was wrong, it was said to suppress us. Actually, there was a red wave.” Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden have been so close recently that no winner of Tuesday’s presidential election has been determined. However, according to the main US broadcaster, Trump’s leadership in the ongoing count has melted in some major states like Pennsylvania. Experts blamed mail-in vote counting for this. Joe Biden said Thursday: “It is the will of the electorate, and no one else, to determine who will become president of the United States. Every vote must be counted.” “Democracy is sometimes chaotic. Sometimes it requires a little patience. But this patience has been rewarded for more than 240 years with a system of government that the whole world envies us.” “We have no doubt that Senator Harris and I will win in the end. So I urge everyone to stay calm, stay calm.” In a Reuters / Ipsos poll, 16 percent of US citizens said they believed Trump’s statement that he won the election. The ratio is 30 percent for Republicans and 7 percent for Democrats. Therefore, the vast majority reject the controversial statement.


Who can make the decision for themselves? There is a lot to be said for challenger Joe Biden right now. But his rival pulls out all the legal stops. The developments in the US elections in Stern-Liveblog.

The United States has elected its new president. But it is not yet clear who won the race. Not many votes have been counted yet. Will incumbent Donald Trump be re-elected after four years? Or will challenger Joe Biden of the Democrats win the race? Biden is currently leading and getting closer and closer to the big goal. But the current Trump has made it clear once again, without any evidence, that he considers the election to be a fraud and will challenge it in court.

Who will win? Read here when to expect the latest results:

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2020 U.S. elections – the stern live blog

  • Tim sohr

    Georgia update: Biden leads!

  • Ellen ivits

    A little overview: This graph shows in what and in how many states Trump and Biden would have to secure the most votes to win:

  • Tim sohr

    A US federal judge has a motion from Donald Trump that Pennsylvania Vote Count stop, he refused. Lawsuit will not be allowedJudge Paul Diamond said in a statement. Trump wanted to force the count to continue only if Republican observers are present: Republicans already have access to the polling place in Philadelphia after a court order. However, Trump’s team believes that the observers’ work is hampered.

  • Tim sohr

    Given now almost five million votes counted in Georgia is the current Difference of 463 votes hardly tangible among the candidates.

  • Tim sohr

    CNN meanwhile, he waits for the message every minute that Biden will assume leadership in Georgia at least for the time being. Trump still leads there with just 463 votes. But: “We are witnessing how history is written,” says moderator Don Lemon.

  • Tim sohr

    too Lindsey graham, Senator from South Carolina and still one of Trump’s most loyal allies, has sided with the president and supports his unsubstantiated thesis of Electoral fraud. “I trust Arizona,” Graham told Fox News. “I don’t trust Pennsylvania.”

  • Marc drewello

    Remote assistance to Kamala Harris: Residents of the Indian village where Biden’s maternal grandfather was born to the vice presidency have sent Harris a message of support.

  • Marc drewello

    Musician and actress Cher makes it clear which side she’s on: “It’s a life or death for President Biden’s agenda for America,” the 74-year-old writes on Twitter, although the Democrat is not yet president.

  • Tim sohr

  • Tim sohr

    That almost drowns in the din of election (and therefore of Joe biden specifically mentioned in a short speech yesterday), the dramatic Crown-Situation in the country: the US has one for the second day in a row Record number of new cases of infection Recorded. On Thursday (local time) 121,888 new infections were known, according to data from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Just the previous day, with 102,831 cases, the mark of 100,000 new infections registered in one day was exceeded for the first time. On Thursday, the numbers said there were 1,210 deaths related to the virus.

  • Tim sohr

    Georgia update: Trump’s leadership Its on 665 votes shrunken. That actually means a tie.

  • Tim sohr

    It shouldn’t be long before the short message service marks these tweets as at least “misleading.” After the experiences of the last few days, Trump probably also suspects this when he writes: “Twitter is out of control”

  • Tim sohr

    Trump also repeats his again on Twitter Conspiracy theory to choose from and that with valid votes he would win easily. His additional demand, which he had already formulated in a similar way on election night: “The Supreme Court should decide! ”

  • Tim sohr

    The american president Donald trump reports through Twitter speaking, Democrats would now work to gain control of the Senate, he writes:

  • Tim sohr

    NRW Prime Minister Armin laschet expresses concern that if the president of the United States, Donald Trump, is defeated, ordered “democratic handover” succeed. If his challenger Joe Biden wins, a trade “with dignity” would be important, making the CDU politician in the WDR. Former President George Bush Sr. admitted his defeat to Bill Clinton on election night in 1992, emphasizing his respect for the dignity of the democratic system. Today it sounds “like it’s from another era,” says Laschet.
