2020 U.S. Election Results: All Trump vs. Biden


METERThe Americans decide during these hours whether to keep the president of the United States, Donald Trump, or replace him with his Democratic rival Joe Biden. Nearly 100 million eligible voters voted before Election Day, including the top two candidates.

You can find all the updates and results of the US elections in our live ticker

Joe Biden said on Election Night: “We choose hope over fear. We choose the truth over the lies. We choose science over fiction ”. Trump told activists: “We are going to have a great night. Winning is easy. Losing is never easy. Not for me.”

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At the beginning of election night, the first results of by-election polls across the United States were released. One of the questions asked was which issues were most important to voters. The most frequently given response was the economy at 34 percent, followed by racism (21 percent) and the coronavirus (18 percent).

CNN made a decision shortly after 1 a.m. German time: Trump wins in Indiana, and things are looking good for him in Kentucky too. In Florida, Trump is leading the way, in Georgia it is still too early to identify a valid trend.

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To win the election, both candidates need the votes of the undecided states. The prospects for Biden are better at the moment, but the way is still open for Republican President Trump. So that both could win:

Bidens Plan A: Reclaim Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania

Plan Bidens B: Arizona and North Carolina were instead of Pennsylvania

Plan Bidens C: Iowa, Ohio and Georgia were enough for a comfortable lead

Trump has only one plan: Plan A: He has to win Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. So a loss in Wisconsin and Michigan is bearable.

You can find an overview of all results in states here: All states, all winners

Trump vs. Biden – Election Night

The first relevant results are there 1 am, when the first results from Georgia and Florida are expected. But then nothing has been decided.

Since 1:30 am can Results are expected from North Carolina and Ohio, both decisive states.

a 2 O ‘clock close polling stations in several states, including Florida and Pennsylvania.

Since 3 o’clock can be expected with results from 14 other states, including Arizona, Texas and Wisconsin. Colorado and New Mexico are the decisive states here.

a 5 o’clock a clearer picture should slowly emerge from the oscillating states


Source: WORLD infographic

the final schedule for the US elections with all the details on the polls and postal voting modalities can be found here.

In the last elections, the winner was already known on election night. This year, however, many more people voted by mail due to the pandemic. Therefore, the count could be significantly delayed.


Source: WORLD infographic

Officials in several states, including the swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, warned that the count could last until Friday, November 6.


Changing Majorities in the US States

Source: WORLD infographic

electoral participation

The turnout is heading for a century record. Shortly before the elections, it became known that around 99 million citizens had already cast their votes by mail or in person before the day of the elections. In 2016, a total of nearly 139 million voters (138,846,571) voted. The turnout was 60.1 percent.


Source: Infographic WELT / Claudia Weidner

For comparison: turnout in the 2017 federal elections in Germany was 76.2 percent. The highest voter turnout was recorded in Minnesota in 2016, with 74.2 percent turnout. The lowest was in Hawaii at 43.2 percent. Clinton won in both states.

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Strongholds of Democrats and Republicans at a glance

In Delaware there is nothing the Republicans can win, in Oklahoma the Democrats have no chance. In Texas, however, traditionally also a stronghold of Republicans, Trump’s party leadership has recently melted significantly.

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Battle for Congress

The presidential election overshadows almost everything in public view, especially abroad. But without a majority in both houses of Congress, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, a president can make little lasting domestic political change.

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The 435 members of the House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 senators, that is, about a third of the House of Lords, are also elected today. In the United States, deputies are elected for two years and senators for six years.

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So far, Trump’s Republicans in the Senate have a majority of 53 to 47 votes. In the House of Representatives, by contrast, opposition Democrats have had a majority since 2018: they currently have 232 members.

A president whose party controls both houses can implement many of his political priorities.
