2020 U.S. Election Live: First Lady Melania Trump Speaks Out


2020 U.S. elections
First Lady Melania Trump Speaks: Former President Bush Congratulates Biden On His Win

See in the video: Lady Gaga, J.Lo and Co. – Celebrities celebrate Biden’s victory with “headbanging” and tears of joy.


Joe Biden wins the US presidential election. And for the first time, Kamala Harris is a woman moving into the White House, as a ruler, not a wife. Biden promises to “cure” his country. Developments for the 2020 U.S. Elections in Stern-Liveblog.

The United States has elected its new president. According to US broadcasters, which traditionally announce the result, Joe Biden and Pennsylvania have at least 273 voters, and he, too, has won the state of Nevada. A candidate needs 270 to win an election. The 77-year-old will become the 46th president in American history, and also the oldest in American history. Historic is the election of Kamala Harris as vice president: she is the first woman in this position.

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2020 U.S. elections – the stern live blog

  • Florian Schillat

    The vice president-elect of the United States. Kamala harris He reminded Americans that the corona pandemic is not over yet. “Covid-19 is still here. Please keep wearing a mask and keep your distance”, Harris wrote on Twitter. Harris may have issued his warning to the joyous celebrations on the streets of many cities across the United States following Joe Biden’s historic election victory over incumbent President Donald Trump.

  • Florian Schillat

    The day after his victory in the American elections Joe biden near his home in Wilmington’s den Church service and graves visited by family members. Beau, Biden’s son, first wife Neilia, and daughter Naomi are buried in the Greenville Cemetery. Beau died in 2015 of complications from a brain tumor. Neilia and Naomi Biden died in a car accident in 1972. Biden, 77, was 30 years old at the time.

  • Florian Schillat

    First Lady Melania Trump, the wife of the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, has spoken for the first time since Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. “American Citizens Deserve Fair Elections”, she shared on twitter. “Every legal vote, not illegal, must be counted. We must protect our democracy with absolute transparency.” With her comment, the First Lady apparently wants to get along the same lines as President Trump: She has been questioning the legitimacy of the election for days. Like a prayer wheel, he repeats that only electoral fraud has robbed him of the victory he deserves. It does not provide any evidence to support its claims.

  • Florian Schillat

    the former president of the United States, George W. Bush has congratulated Democrat Joe Biden on winning the US presidential election. Got with that “President-elect” Biden and spoke with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, the last surviving former Republican President announced. “Although we have political differences, I know that Joe Biden is a good man.” Bush also congratulated defeated incumbent Donald Trump and his supporters on their campaign. “He won the votes of more than 70 million Americans, an exceptional political achievement.”

    Bush noted that Trump has the right to request recounts and take legal action.. But the former president also wrote: “The American people can be confident that this election was fundamentally fair, that its integrity will be preserved, and that its outcome will be clear.” Trump sees himself being duped by his victory in Tuesday’s election. However, it has not provided proof of these allegations.

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  • Florian Schillat

    After their victory in the American elections, they are Joe Biden’s first personnel decisions were known. Biden’s spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield said on NBC News that the expert council to contain the corona pandemic should have dual leadership. It should consist of Vivek Murthy, who was appointed Director of Health for the US Government and Barack Obama between 2014 and 2017, and a former head of the US FDA, David kessler. Both have advised Biden’s team on the pandemic since March, Bedingfield said. In his victory speech on Saturday, Biden announced that he wanted to present his Corona task force on Monday.

  • Florian Schillat

    Joe Biden’s victory makes it possible from the perspective of the Nobel Peace Prize winners Mikhail Gorbachev the Rescue of the last great disarmament treaty between Moscow and Washington. Biden is a sincere person who is on a reasonable path, said the former Soviet president of the Interfax agency. “Now it’s getting easier,” the 89-year-old said in light of so far unsuccessful attempts to extend the New Start treaty to limit nuclear weapons.

    Under US President Donald Trump, Russia had recently seen little chance of winning the deal, which ends in early February. The New Start Treaty limits the nuclear arsenals of both countries to 800 launch systems and 1,550 operational nuclear warheads each. “Of course Democrats will be cautious, and so will we. But caution should not hamper real negotiations between the two parties,” Gorbachev said.

  • Florian Schillat

    Despite the electoral victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the United States presidential elections, the Government in neighboring Mexico cautiously cautious remained. Mexico’s left-wing president Andrés Manuel López Obrador initially resigned to congratulate Biden. “We don’t want to be careless, we don’t want to act lightly”Obrador told reporters. He wants to wait until the legal problems are resolved in the US elections.

  • Florian Schillat

    For the first time since newly elected US President Joe Biden’s victory speech Headline Donald Trump reported on Twitter and renewed his accusations of electoral fraud. Trump appeared to be citing statements from conservative supporters in various tweets in support of his claims. The 74-year-old man had presented himself as the victim of systematic electoral fraud for days without any evidence. The US media unanimously proclaimed Democrat Biden as the newly elected president on Saturday.

  • Florian Schillat

    Mitt romney, Republican Senator from Utah, campaigns to support President-elect Joe Biden. He told US broadcaster CNN: “I think half the country thinks this is a great idea and the other half thinks it’s not that good, but reality has created facts that at this point the statisticians have come to. a conclusion “. “said Romney, referring to the forecasts of numerous media outlets that declared Biden the winner of the election.” I think we will back the president. “Romney has often criticized President Trump, in 2012 he ran as a Republican presidential candidate against the former president. American Barack Obama.

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  • Florian Schillat

    President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have formulated four key priorities for his mandate, available on the BuildBackBetter.com website. The four keywords are:

    Economic recovery
    racial equality, that is, equality and equality of all ethnic groups
    Climate change

    There is also one on the website Seven Point Plan to Fight Coronaviruswhich includes “free, reliable, regular testing” for all Americans and “effective and fair distribution of treatments and vaccines” as soon as they are available. One point provides for cooperation with governors and mayors to introduce a national obligation for oral and nasal protection. With “@ Transition46” A new Twitter account was also created for the transition of government affairs.

  • Niels Kruse

    That donald trump his Admit defeat should, he supposedly urges his son-in-law and counselor Jared Kushner. “The president must acknowledge the outcome, even if he doubts how it came about,” senior White House officials are said to have said, according to media reports. CNN reports that Trump is urging employees to legal action against the election result what to do. Also, expect your adult children to publicly support you.

  • Niels Kruse

    Laura ingraham He’s one of Fox News’s most loyal Trumpians. But given his bulky personality, he obviously felt compelled to make a serious word with the president say, “Mr. President, if you’ve lost an election, you should Defeat with dignity and composure accept, “he said, addressed directly to the White House man, even before the outcome was reported. He may have wanted to prepare viewers of the extremely Trump-friendly station for his election.

    “When and if it is time to accept an unpleasant outcome in this election, and we hope it does not come to that, but if that happens, President Trump will have to do it with the decency that he has with Savannah.” Guthrie has proven it, “he said. So far, the incumbent has not taken his words seriously.

  • Niels Kruse

  • Niels Kruse

    When Donald Trump became president of the United States, Germany, like the land of his ancestors, was quite reluctant to congratulate him. Different from now Ireland in the case of Joe Biden: “Ireland is proud to have chosen Joe Biden,” said Irish Prime Minister Michael Martin. “This is quite special day for the people of County Louth and in County Mayo, they count President-elect Biden among their own, “Martin continued. Biden’s ancestry is also “about five-eighths Irish”said a genealogist.

  • Niels Kruse

    Joe Biden becomes the new US president, but one Triumph is not your victory in the American elections. At the moment, the Democrat is not 100,000 votes ahead of Donald Trump in the decisive states. By the way, he won four years ago with an increase of just 70,000 votes in three states. What would Biden and Harris do for their reign? it would be a Senate in which the Republicans do not have a (clear) majority to have. In Georgia, it is decided who will have control in the future On January 5 – then look for the same in the “peach state” two second round elections instead of. If Democratic candidates win both terms, there would be a 50% deadlock in the Senate. In this case, the vice president would decide, so would Kamala Harris.
