2020 U.S. Election Live – 21 Million Views – Kamala Harris Jogging Phone Call With Joe Biden Goes Online Hit


2020 U.S. elections
Seen 21 million times: Kamala Harris’ jogging call with Joe Biden becomes an internet hit

See in the video: “We did it, Joe!” – Harris learns of the electoral victory while running, Merkel congratulates on Twitter.

In Germany, Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential election is welcome. Shortly after the announcement by various US databases and media, Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated the Democrat on Twitter: “Congratulations! The American citizens have decided. Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States of America. I wish him luck. and the success and also congratulate Kamala Harris, the first elected vice president of her country. ” Harris, who will be the first woman and the first black person to hold that position, likely received the news of her victory while running. He posted a video on Twitter: “We did it. We did it, Joe. You’re going to be the next president of the United States.” Merkel also looks forward to a future collaboration with Biden and Harris. “Our transatlantic friendship is irreplaceable if we are to face the great challenges of our time,” wrote the Chancellor. Maas also commented on the short message service: We are looking forward to working with the next US government “For a new transatlantic beginning, a New Deal,” Maas wrote. In Cologne, too, German citizens saw Biden’s victory as a positive sign: “Yeah, cool, happy, great kid, happy, honest.” “Wonderful for Mr. Biden. And Mr. Trump, I don’t need to say anything.” “It may not change, but it can certainly guarantee a more normal relationship between the United States and Europe, Germany and NATO, etc.” US President Donald Trump wrote in a statement: “The simple fact is that this election is far from over.” The incumbent had already announced that he wanted to challenge the result of the elections.


Joe Biden wins the US presidential election. And for the first time, Kamala Harris is a woman moving into the White House, as a ruler, not a wife. Biden promises to “cure” his country. Developments for the 2020 U.S. Elections in Stern-Liveblog.

The United States has elected its new president. According to US broadcasters, which traditionally announce the result, Joe Biden and Pennsylvania have at least 273 voters, and he, too, has won the state of Nevada. A candidate needs 270 to win an election. The 77-year-old will become the 46th president in American history, and also the oldest in American history. The election of Kamala Harris as vice president is historic: she is the first woman in this position.

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2020 U.S. elections – the stern live blog

  • Niels Kruse

  • Niels Kruse

    When Donald Trump became president of the United States, Germany, like the land of his ancestors, was quite reluctant to congratulate him. Different from now Ireland in the case of Joe Biden: “Ireland is proud to have chosen Joe Biden,” said Irish Prime Minister Michael Martin. “This is quite special day for the people of County Louth and in County Mayo, they count President-elect Biden among their own, “Martin continued. Biden’s ancestry is also “about five-eighths Irish”said a genealogist.

  • Niels Kruse

    Joe Biden becomes the new US president, but one Triumph is not your victory in the American elections. At the moment, the Democrat is not 100,000 votes ahead of Donald Trump in the decisive states. By the way, he won four years ago with an increase of just 70,000 votes in three states. What would Biden and Harris do for their reign? it would be a Senate in which the Republicans do not have a (clear) majority to have. In Georgia, it is decided who will have control in the future On January 5 – then look for the same in the “peach state” two second round elections instead of. If Democratic candidates win both terms, there would be a 50% deadlock in the Senate. In this case, the vice president would decide, so would Kamala Harris.

  • Niels Kruse

  • Niels Kruse

    The accountant thriller hasn’t left the Germans alone either: The most watched broadcast on Saturday was “Tagesschau”. at 8pm: 9.71 million people tuned in to ARD, the market share was 28.7 percent. In addition, more than five million viewers reached the third party programs and channels of special interest. Overall, the “Tagesschau” reached 15.4 million viewers and a 45.5 percent market share. the ZDF recorded the highest number of viewers also with its informative programs, the 18:45 edition of “RTL aktuell” reached 3.51 million (12.5 percent). The one that also posted above-average interest
    N-tv news channel.

  • Niels Kruse

    One US President Joe Biden It will certainly once again adopt a friendly tone towards allies like Germany, but on issues like Military spending or the Nord Stream 2 pipeline It should essentially continue the course of Donald Trump (and therefore Barack Obama). In other words: talk to the Germans in conscience. Apart from these usual differences of opinion, economists recount positive impulses from the US. A study by the Institute for Macroeconomics and Business Cycle Research concludes that Biden’s policy (economic stimulus program, trade, national and international climate course) beneficial to the German economy will radiate.

  • Marc drewello

  • Niels Kruse

  • Niels Kruse

    That president of the United States, like now Donald trump, after just one term be deselectedby the way, it is quite rare. There were ten in all, including Herbert Hoover, Jimmy Carter, and George Bush Sr. We have compiled some of their stories here.

  • Niels Kruse

    Grandpa is the next president of the United States! Naomi Biden, the granddaughter of American election winner Joe Biden, has a cozy Family photo posted on Twitter.

  • Niels Kruse

    The count of the By the way, the presidential elections are not over yet. So if you haven’t had enough of the crime thriller of the past few days and the bustle of numbers – they’re spinning on this page Results the electoral colleges almost in real time one. North Carolina and Alaska still pending, but no longer decisive

  • Niels Kruse

  • Niels Kruse

    The choice of Joe Biden brings back memories of the old days: with him the dogs are entering the White House again, more precisely two sheepdogs, including a trained rescue dog. To bite He has been with Biden and his wife Jill since 2008. Higher removed the Bidens from the shelter in 2018. US President Barack Obama had the Portuguese water dog Bo, whose predecessor George W. Bush had the Scottish Terrier Barney and Bill Clinton had the chocolate-colored Labrador Buddy.

  • Niels Kruse

    The president-elect of the United States is not enthusiastic:

  • Niels Kruse

    Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, very close to Donald Trump, has congratulated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their electoral victory. “I look forward to working with the two of you to further strengthen the special alliance between the United States and Israel,” he wrote on Twitter. Biden is “a great friend of Israel“So Netanyahu. He has had a long and warm personal relationship with Biden for almost 40 years.” Netanyahu, however, loses Israel’s “strongest ally” in Donald Trump, as the Israeli prime minister called the outgoing president. A photo of himself with Trump adorns his Twitter account.
