Position: 01.09.2020 07:46 Uhr – NDR 1 Welle Nord
The state of Schleswig-Holstein publishes new figures on the corona pandemic every day. According to the state registry office, the Kiel University Institute of Infection Medicine, since the outbreak of the pandemic, generally 4,044 confirmed cases of corona (Data status as of August 31) reported. This means there are 16 more Sars-CoV-2 infections reported compared to the previous day.
No new coronavirus-related deaths
To date, 160 deaths related to the viral disease have been reported. This number has not changed compared to the previous day. So far, a total of 571 people have had to be treated at the hospital. In addition to the numbers for all of Schleswig-Holstein are in the On the home page of the Institute of Infection Medicine you can also see the figures for individual districts and cities. Therefore, the majority of corona cases have occurred in the Pinneberg district (743), the least in Flensburg (76).
RKI estimate: about 3,700 people recovered
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) appreciatethat about 3,700 people in Schleswig-Holstein after a coronavirus infection recovered They are. According to the Health Ministry, seven people are currently being treated in a hospital in relation to a corona infection, one less than the day before. On April 5, this number reached its highest level in Schleswig-Holstein with 162 hospital patients.
Seven-day comparison: no circles above the cutoff value
At a federal-state meeting in May, the federal government and state prime ministers agreed that, on the one hand, the crown’s restrictions could be relaxed, largely at the responsibility of the states. Simultaneously They agreed to an emergency brake regulation: If there are more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a district or independent city within seven days, new restrictions must be issued for this area if the infections cannot be clearly assigned to a location exact license (nursing home, accommodation, etc.). This is not currently the case in any district of Schleswig-Holstein.
What these numbers say and what they don’t
State government statistics show how many confirmed cases of corona are known to the country’s authorities and were reported as planned. What the statistics cannot show clearly, much less the current day, is the speed at which the virus is spreading. Because the number of people who have recently tested positive also often includes reported cases several days later. There are delays in the reporting chain, especially during weekends and holidays.
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