15 kilometers from an incidence of 200: countries want to limit range of motion


15 kilometers from an incidence of 200
Countries want to limit range of motion

Agreement before the conference: Federal and state governments want to restrict the radius of movement of citizens in the hotspots. From an incidence of 200 citizens, they should only be allowed to travel 15 kilometers from their place of residence. Chancellor Merkel was unable to impose even stricter requirements.

The debate over the extent of the crown lock has been overtaken by a discussion of stricter measures. According to information from RTL and ntv, before their summit talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel, the prime ministers of the federal states agreed to limit the range of movement at critical points. Consequently, residents of districts with a rate of more than 200 infections per 100,000 residents should not be able to travel more than 15 kilometers from their place of residence in a period of seven days.

Chancellor Angela Merkel had spoken out in favor of limiting the radius to an incidence value of 100 the night before, according to media reports. But there was no majority in the federal states for this.

Saxony as a model?

Exit restrictions are in force in Saxony from December 14 and are being discussed in Thuringia. Currently, six of the ten districts most affected by Corona are in Saxony, the other four in Thuringia and Bavaria. Such restrictions already existed in other European countries, such as Ireland or France.

According to the current Crown Ordinance, in the Free State of Saxony it is allowed “to shop for daily necessities and use of other services within 15 kilometers of the living room or workplace or the nearest facility for daily shopping / basic supplies. ” Sports are also allowed within a radius of 15 kilometers around the apartment.

Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow, on the left, had already said on Sunday that he is also aiming for such a regulation for his state. Like Saxony, Thuringia is a crown hot spot. In the Thuringian state government, however, Ramelow’s initiative is controversial. Finance Minister Heike Taubert of the SPD spoke about it On twitter Against. The state cabinet meets today after the videoconference between the prime ministers and Merkel, also scheduled for today.
