1,100 skeptics of the crown protest in Hannover | NDR.de – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony


Status: 12.09.2020 5:00 pm – NDR 1 Lower Saxony

According to the police, around 1,100 people protested against the state corona measures in Hannover on Saturday. They regretted what they saw as inappropriate interference with fundamental rights and the arbitrariness of the state. So far there have been no special incidents, only minor incidents, a police spokesman for NDR.de said in the afternoon. However, the train in the city center had to stop in the middle: the organizer asked the participants to keep the minimum distance and to cover their mouth and nose.

VIDEO: Demonstrations for and against the crown rules in Hannover (1 min)

Administrative court: receipts provided

The Hannover Administrative Court had previously rejected an urgent request from Corona opponents against the police requirements. There is an epidemic situation of national scope, therefore the conditions are proportionate, so the court. All participants would have to wear mouth and nose protection; they also had to maintain a minimum distance of one and a half meters, and even five meters from the speakers.

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Opponents of the crown measures demonstrate in the city center of Hannover.  In the foreground: the police.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Moritz Frankenberg

In Hannover, hundreds of people protested against Corona’s regulations on Saturday. There were several counter-demonstrations against the protests; the police were also on alert. Image gallery

Several hundred counter-protesters

One speaker spoke of a “fake pandemic” at a rally at the start of the protests. “They take away our human rights,” he said, referring to the federal government. A private initiative had registered the protest. A significantly higher number of participants was expected. There were also protests in the city against criticism of Corona’s measures, for example by left-wing youth with 200 participants. According to the police, around 450 people were counted at the “Stand Up Against Racism” rally.

“Don’t let the extremists turn you into tools”

Lower Saxony constitution protection chairman Bernhard Witthaut called on the people in advance to be careful who joins the anti-crown rally. “Do not allow yourself to be turned into tools by extremists who have completely different things in mind to protest against the measures of the crown,” Witthaut told NDR Lower Saxony. It cannot be ruled out that right-wing extremists and citizens of the Reich occasionally mingle with the demonstration.

Numerous police vehicles are stopped in front of the Lower Saxony state parliament to protect the building from the demonstrations running through the city center.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich

After the incidents in Berlin, the police protected the state parliament in Hannover on Saturday.

Police on the spot with large number

At a similar demonstration in Berlin two weeks ago, right-wing extremists and citizens of the Reich tried storm the Reichstag building. By Saturday lunchtime there were already a large number of policemen on the scene in Hannover: about a dozen police cars were parked in front of the state parliament, 15 officers were standing right in front of the door of the parliament building. In other places in the state capital, too, the police were present with great force, among other things with an equestrian squad.

More information

A sign identifies the Lower Saxony Ministry of Finance.  © NDR Photo: Cathrine Lejeune

According to the Finance Ministry, the tax minus for Lower Saxony is 5.7 percent from January to August. The municipalities fear the restrictions and demand “massive economic aid”. plus

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photo montage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

How is Lower Saxony doing with the corona pandemic? What happened today? Find the latest numbers and news on Covid-19 cases in the country here. (10.09.2020) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 12/09/2020 | 8:00 am

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