11.11 .: Start of Carnival in the time of Corona | tagesschau.de


Wednesday is at 11.11. – Start of the carnival session. Thanks to Corona it should be a carnival start without much carnival, as the police, cities and carnival clubs want. What is possible, what is strictly prohibited?

By Susanne Schnabel

Storms in town halls, swaying in the streets and in pubs, little cats with strange princesses or unicorns – this is how thousands of people in North Rhine-Westphalia traditionally celebrate the beginning of carnival on 11.11. There is no chance this year!

Polonaise with the family across the living room, dressed up at the grocery store for shopping, and ask your colleagues to cut their ties at the home office during the video conference; much more is not possible this year.

Appeal: “stay home”

“Don’t go to the carnival strongholds,” is how Pit Clausen (SPD), head of the NRW City Council, addresses carnival enthusiasts. The Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Herbert Reul (CDU) also appeals: “Stay home.” And the mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker (independent) says: “This time there is no 11.11. This year there is only one day on the calendar like any other.” Nor does he ask to celebrate with friends at home.

No alcohol in Cologne

In the bastions, many measures are aimed at ensuring that carnival tourists stay home. In Cologne, for example, alcohol is banned and actress Janine Kunze, among others, advertises on posters not to celebrate: “I will not celebrate November 11. Because it protects your life.”

With the #diesmalnicht Cologne campaign, celebrities are calling not to celebrate this time, not even in private. In case of violations of the prohibition of alcohol and other rules of the crown, the police and the public order office of Cologne want to crack down.

In other strongholds such as Bonn, Aachen and Düsseldorf there is no scenic program, no parades or handover of keys to town halls.

Safe actions to start: the Hoppeditz can wake up

Some traditions are compatible with the pandemic, so the Grafschaftler Karnevalsgesellschaft Rietberg in the Gütersloh district will provide a cleaning bucket for passersby to scrub the “Philosopher’s Stone” in front of the town hall. In Delbrück, in the Paderborn district, the Eintracht Carnival Association wants to take a short tour in an old truck.

In Düsseldorf, the traditional Hoppeditz awakening takes place in digital form. The cheeky fool wakes up from his pot of mustard on the live stream.

Jeckes program at the WDR for the opening of the session

“The opening of the session, like the carnival as a whole, is part of the DNA of North Rhine-Westphalia. Only this year will and should be different: smaller and more thoughtful. We want to take this into account in a different way. implementation “, says Ingmar Cario, Deputy WDR Director of the Information, Fiction and Entertainment Program.

So the WDR is shown live from 10.45 in the program “11.11. Opening session – Everything different!” like the folks at NRW this 11.11. experience: on WDR TV and on streaming on WDR.de and on the WDR aktuell app. Svenja Kellershohn and Oliver Plöger welcome musicians and carnival greats like Marita Köllner and Peter Brings into the carnival studio. Furthermore, this session will officially open with the Cologne triumvirate.

In the evening, WDR television says “Köln singt zohus” with the biggest bands of the Cologne Carnival, no audience, but with a lot of “Jeföhl” from the original halls.

If you wish, you can participate, for example, with photo greetings or drum videos under the motto “Because if you go crazy, stay tuned.” WDR collects interesting impressions on social media under #wdrjeck.

Those: wdr.de
