101-year-old woman received the first corona vaccine in Germany


meIn Halberstadt (Harz district), corona vaccines started on Saturday. At the Krüger senior center, Edith Kwoizalla, 101, was the first resident to be vaccinated with the Biontech and Pfizer vaccine. According to observers, he took the prick in stride and with a smile behind his mouth and nose mask.

The district had previously asked if the facility was ready, said operator and nurse Tobias Krüger. “Every day we wait is one day too many,” he said. According to the information, a total of 20 neighbors and 10 employees were vaccinated.

Spahn speaks of a “national show of force”

The state of Saxony-Anhalt received the first delivery with 9,750 doses of vaccines on Saturday morning and distributed them to independent cities and districts. The sensitive vaccine is delivered chilled to minus 70 degrees. The official start of vaccination is scheduled for Sunday.

Before the start of the largest vaccination campaign in German history, Health Minister Jens Spahn called for a “national show of force” on Saturday to immunize as many people as possible against the corona virus. “We want to vaccinate so many people that the virus no longer has a chance, in Germany and in Europe,” said the CDU politician in Berlin. Every more vaccination means fewer infections and fewer deaths. “Those who participate save lives,” Spahn emphasized. “This vaccine is the fundamental key to defeat this pandemic. It is the key to recovering our lives. “

Corona vaccines should start in Germany on Sunday. The first doses were delivered to the federal states on Saturday, where they will be distributed to vaccination centers and mobile teams. First, people over 80 years of age should be vaccinated, as well as nurses and hospital staff who are at particular risk. At the more than 400 vaccination centers across the country, operations will begin as soon as enough vaccine is available.
