100+ Ads Only in the Metallic Mountains – Crown Violations When Rushing to Visit Popular Places for Winter Sports


The loud voices in Germany that contacts should be reduced during the Christmas period and that people should stay home if possible could hardly be heard. Politicians, epidemiologists, doctors – all warned of the consequences if the corona pandemic resumes in late 2020.

In this context, the current images of Germany are striking. Especially in the Metallic Mountains, Sauerland and the Black Forest there was a flood of daytime tourists, some of whom did not adhere to the Crown measures.

The photographs from Saxony, the state where the incidence is by far the highest and where the strictest contact and exit restrictions exist, are particularly striking. There, on the two Christmas holidays alone, the Fichtelberg police in the Ore Mountains, which is popular with tourists, recorded more than 100 violations of Corona’s rules.

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Numerous people were at the Fichtelberg without a necessary valid reason, police said Sunday, according to the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR). On December 25, 54 people were reported, on December 26 52 people for violating the country’s Crown Protection Ordinance.

According to MDR reporters, many people passed without a mask and ignored the minimum distances. The parking spaces were crowded and not only the local license plates were showing. People cannot go further than 15 kilometers from home and, among other things, only when shopping or doing sports.

However, sport is only possible to a limited extent, as the slopes at the top of the Fichtelberg, the highest mountain in the Ore Mountains at 1215 meters, are closed in the valley, as in many German ski areas. Sledding is also not considered a sport. The police had learned of the situation through information from local residents, among other things. Numerous images on social media showed the sometimes dense crowd at the Corona hotspot.
