10 private facts about Joe Biden


The United States has a new president: Joe Biden. But what makes the most powerful man in the world move in private? We have collected some interesting facts.

Photo series with 12 images

It took Joe Biden three tries to get elected to the top of the US Now he’s finally done it: he’s president. In a thrilling one-day election thriller, the Democrat triumphed over Donald Trump and will officially rule the country starting in January 2021.

At 77, Biden is the oldest president the United States has ever had. And that’s not the only exciting fact about him.

1) When the child stutters

At school, his classmates ridiculed him for his debilitating stuttering. They said “goodbye” when he wanted to say his last name. Young Joe tried to get rid of the stutter by practicing with pebbles in his mouth and reciting Irish poems from memory. He wasn’t able to control it until he was a student, but his stuttering still shows up from time to time.

2) He was a high school football star

During his school days, Biden was able to score with his athletic performance. He played in the 1960s in jersey number 30 as a wide receiver and running back for the school football team and had an impressive 19 touchdowns.

3) He was almost thrown out of college

Joe Biden would have almost been denied a political career. As a college student, he came close to being expelled from the University of Delaware for playing a prank by spraying his dorm manager with a fire extinguisher. But he was on probation.

4) He had to deal with various family tragedies

During his student days, Joe Biden met his first wife Neilia, with whom he had children Beau and Hunter and their daughter Naomi. In 1972, Neilia and her children were involved in a car accident in which their mother and daughter were killed. Biden’s eldest son, Beau, died in 2015 at the age of 46 from complications from a brain tumor. His son Hunter is 50 years old today.

5) Has a special lucky charm

Biden has a lucky charm that is never removed. “I wear the rosary around my wrist that my son Beau wore on the day he died. I haven’t taken it off since, it’s my connection to him,” said the 77-year-old.

6) he met his wife Jill on a blind date

Joe Biden has married the teacher Jill for the second time since 1977. The two met two years earlier on a blind date that Joe’s brother Frank had arranged. They went to the movies in Philadelphia and hit it off right away, as Jill once revealed in an interview. “He shook my hand to say goodbye. I went upstairs, called my mother in the middle of the night and said, ‘Mom, I finally met a gentleman.’

Although there was an immediate spark between them, Jill didn’t want to be honest. Joe had to ask her hand five times before she finally said “yes.” Even today, he often proudly calls himself “Jill Biden’s husband.”

7) He has never drunk alcohol

Joe Biden will not have toasted his election victory with champagne, at most without alcohol. The 77-year-old has never touched a drop of alcohol in his life. The reason: there have been several cases of alcoholism in his family.

8) Ice cream is his vice

But the new president of the United States has another vice: ice cream. “I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. But I eat a lot of ice cream,” he says of himself. And it even has its own variety: “Big Red, White & Biden.” Cornell University created it for him with his favorite “chocolate chip” flavor. Biden’s favorite drink, by the way, is Gatorade Orange, and his favorite food is pasta.

9) His dogs come from the shelter

Joe Biden has a big heart for animals. Together with his wife Jill, he adopted the two sheepdogs Major and Champ. After the four-legged friends of the Obamas, not only are the dogs returning to the White House, but for the first time in history some from the animal shelter.

10) Follow Lady Gaga on Twitter

Joe Biden has 100 Instagram subscriptions to Joe Biden, including many famous followers like Jennifer Lopez, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Billie Eilish, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Lady Gaga. But only the latter made it to the new president’s Twitter list, who only follows 30 profiles on the platform.

Even if Donald Trump does not want to acknowledge the election result, Joe Biden can no longer win. But he still has to be patient: His term as the 46th president of the United States begins on January 20 at noon sharp.
