FF7 Remake Surveys wants to know how you played the game

Square Enix wants to know more about how people played Final Fantasy VII Remake with two polls, one focused on player choices and the other on combat preferences. Both surveys are available through the Final Fantasy Portal app on mobile devices, but questions can be viewed on the game’s official website.

The player choice survey is available until July 24 and she wants to know what clothing each character wore during the audition to become Don Corneo’s girlfriend. The survey also asks about some dialogue options and whether he went up the stairs or the elevator later in the Shinra building.

The second survey is available through July 31 and deals with player combat preferences. Specifically, Square Enix wants to know your favorite skills for each character, favorite summon, and your favorite subject.

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GameSpot gave the title a 10/10 in our review of Final Fantasy VII Remake, with criticism by writer Tamoor Hussain, “The storytelling and characterization achievements of Final Fantasy VII Remake are facilitated by a game that feels modern but is It crystallizes around the foundations of the classic role-playing game. In many ways, its game model feels like the culmination of franchise evolutions, with ideas from across the series brought together in a composite that’s fresh but familiar. It is the first time that the action-centric style of modern-era Final Fantasy games does not appear to be at the expense of the methodical nature of the series’ roots. “

Square Enix has recently said that it plans to announce several games during July and August.

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Playing now: Final Fantasy 7 Remake – Crazy Combos

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