To thank our key workers, the government should write off their student loans | Rama Thirunamachandran | Education


Since the Covid-19 crisis erupted, universities have supplied equipment, research expertise, training and, by releasing our healthcare students into the workforce early, even NHS workers. Universities have supported the national effort, but now they need a funding boost to help rebuild Britain through strong public services.

This crisis has thrown a spotlight on our vital public service workers – particularly those in medicine, nursing, teaching, the allied health professions and social work. Caught up in an emergency almost too large to comprehend, they have been resolved. Asked to step up, to keep calm and carry the country on their shoulders, they have answered the call with extraordinary courage.

Much of this workforce is made up university graduates. Indeed, some of them are still studying, asked to step in ahead of their graduation and risk their health at a time of dire need. A high proportion of the backbone NHS staff we applaud every Thursday evening are made in higher education.

The pressure created by the pandemic will be long-lasting. Funding and capacity issues in public services have loomed for some time, with high numbers of vacant posts in key roles. Covid-19 will compound this challenge. Doctors, nurses, social workers, teachers: these are highly skilled roles, requiring years of costly teaching and training. Any shortfall in the number of people training has a long-term impact on the ability of public services to support the health and wellbeing of the country.

Complementing the package of stabilization measures outlined by Universities UK, universities and the government could take a massive stride towards mitigating against capacity gaps with closely targeted investment in key areas.

There is a clear and present need to incentivise students to apply to the relevant courses and to keep hold of graduates already in post. One obvious incentive is financial: we know that the withdrawal of the nursing bursary hit recruitment – particularly of mature students – hard. With grants for trainee nurses set to return from September, we should go further by introducing a £ 10,000 maintenance grant for anyone studying for a key public service role.

A new public services in higher education investment program could allocate funding to universities which teach these subjects so they can continue to educate the next generation of world-class professionals. This exists in virtually every university, meaning the funds would be spread across the whole country.

For students in England, a system of fee-loan forgiveness for students enrolling in key public service subjects from September 2020 should be considered. To be eligible, every student could be obliged to commit to at least five years in the relevant profession. It may also be possible to apply this retrospectively to recent graduates and current students, particularly those in their final years, compelled into the workforce under the most trying circumstances.

Given the likely long-term impacts of disruptions to public sector staffing, it will be vital to retain current staff and encourage their development. That’s why the government should increase staffing budgets in hospitals, schools and local authorities. An increase in professional development budgets from September 2020 would generate capacity across the board to support students entering training over the next three years.

During the election campaign, even before he was stricken and left needing intensive care treatment by this disease, Boris Johnson promised greater investment in the NHS: 50,000 more nurses and a million more GP appointments. Investing in these areas could help deliver those pledges and more, bolstering the key service work force while guaranteeing a route into the professions.

Now more than ever, Britain’s universities are a crucial asset to the nation through our impact on local communities. These institutions and their students will be the beating heart of these towns and cities, as bit by bit, day by day, Britain begins to heal.
