Six techniques to help you overcome differences


In 2020, the Greater Good Science Center partnered with the NationSwell and the Einhorn Collaborative to produce a video series on some of the most exciting scientific solutions for our social and political divisions, and in doing so, reap the benefits of a more connected environment. society. Here are some highlights of our partnership.

What bad party guests can teach us about bridging the divisions


Get to know the Greater Good toolkit

From the GGSC to Your Shelf: 30 Science-Backed Tools for Wellness.

Who is the perfect dinner guest? Is he the person who tells the best story? Have the funniest joke? Does he get in the way of a good anecdote?

Studies suggest that it is neither of those people. The best dinner guests are active listeners, not dominant talkers. They ask questions, don’t interrupt, and express interest and empathy for what they hear, making people feel supported and understood.

Research-backed active listening skills can help build rapport and understanding when you have a communication breakdown.

What happens when political opponents meet?

What if we shift our focus from the ways that people are different and look at the ways that we are similar?

It’s easy to get along with people who share our values. Naturally, we create “internal groups” with people who share similar goals, political opinions, or musical tastes. Our group becomes “us” and anyone outside our group becomes “them”.

Is it possible to break down the barriers between us and them? The research-based “common group identity model” says yes. Specifically, if we can find a point of similarity with someone, we will show less negative biases towards them.

We put two real people in front of the camera to test this theory.

How to hack your brain’s biases with vegetables

A scientist’s vegetable experiment reveals a way to connect with people who are different from you … and you don’t even have to eat vegetables.

Did you know that your brain has a built-in threat detector? It’s called the amygdala. When it works well, it protects you from danger, but it also creates unconscious biases, things that you don’t even know your brain is doing.

Good news. You can retrain your brain to reduce prejudice and prejudice, and all you need is some veggies.

How to go from hostility to empathy in political conversations

Political conversations with someone whose opinions differ from yours are difficult. But even the thorniest division can be narrowed if we try a technique called “moral reframing.”

The technique allows you to identify the moral premise or values ​​that matter to the other person and then present your idea in a way that makes sense to them. Watch this video and learn how to close the divisions in your politics… and beyond.

If democracy had a sound, it would be jazz

The best elements of jazz and democracy come together in search of common goals.

Jazz and democracy have more in common than you might think. At best, both are capable of bridging differences and elevating diverse perspectives. We can use specific jazz techniques in our conversations to be more open and collaborative.

How to protect your body from social media stress

If you can feel your stress and anxiety levels rise while using social media, you are not alone. And even though your feed is completely digital, those negative feelings can have an impact on your physical health. Clenched jaws, clenched fists, and elevated heart rates are just some of the ways that bad experiences with other people on social media can manifest in our bodies.

But a simple mindfulness exercise like taking a deep breath, listening to music, or taking a walk while paying attention to your surroundings can help combat that. At a time when social media usage is on the rise due to the COVID-19 lockdown, it has never been more important to take care of yourself IRL while spending more time online, and that means learning ways to find your hub while on the go.
