Scientists predict that Covid-19 will become a seasonal virus, but not yet


WASHINGTON: A new review published in Frontiers in Public Health suggests that Covid-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, will likely become seasonal in countries with temperate climates, but only when herd immunity is achieved.
Until that time, Covid-19 will continue to circulate throughout the stations. These findings highlight the absolute importance of the public health measures needed at this time to control the virus.
“Covid-19 is here to stay and will continue to cause outbreaks throughout the year until herd immunity is achieved. Therefore, the public will need to learn to live with it and continue to practice the best prevention measures, including the use of masks, distancing, hand hygiene and meeting avoidance, “said study lead author Dr. Hassan Zaraket, of the American University of Beirut in Lebanon.
Contributing author Dr. Hadi Yassine, from Qatar University in Doha, claims and asserts that there could be multiple waves of Covid-19 before herd immunity is achieved.
We know that many respiratory viruses follow seasonal patterns, especially in temperate regions. For example, influenza and several types of coronaviruses that cause the common cold are known to peak in winter in temperate regions, but circulate year-round in tropical regions.
The authors reviewed these seasonal viruses, examining the viral and host factors that control their seasonality, as well as the latest insights into the stability and transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
The researchers explain that the survival of the virus in air and on surfaces, people’s susceptibility to infection, and human behaviors, such as overcrowding indoors, differ seasonally due to changes in temperature and humidity. These factors influence the transmission of respiratory viruses at different times of the year.
However, compared to other respiratory viruses such as influenza, Covid-19 has a higher transmission rate (R0), at least in part due to circulation in a population largely inexperienced in immunity.
This means that, unlike flu and other respiratory viruses, the factors that govern the seasonality of viruses cannot yet stop the spread of Covid-19 in the summer months. But, once herd immunity is achieved through natural infections and vaccines, the R0 should decrease substantially, making the virus more susceptible to seasonal factors.
Such seasonality has been reported for other coronaviruses, including those that emerged more recently such as NL63 and HKU1, which follow the same circulation pattern as influenza.
“This is still a new virus and despite the rapid growth of science about it, there are still things that are unknown. It remains to be seen in the future if our predictions are true or not. But we think it is very likely, given what What we know so far, Covid-19 will eventually become seasonal, like other coronaviruses, “adds Zaraket.
“The highest per capita global Covid-19 infection rate was recorded in the Gulf states, regardless of the hot summer season. Although this is primarily attributed to the rapid spread of the virus in gated communities, it affirms the need for action. rigorous control measures to limit the virus from spreading, until herd immunity is achieved, “said Dr. Yassine.