How to safely see Monday’s Christmas star, the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn


As we approach the end of the year and begin to take stock of everything that 2020 has been, or has not been, we can all agree on one thing: it has been a great year for the aerospace industry, rocket science and astronomy. From SpaceX making and reinstating the headlines with its successful Crew Dragon space flights to Comet NEOWISE that wowed us in mid-summer, this year there has been a lot to see in the night sky.

If you’re looking for a brighter point of light in an otherwise dark year, here it comes, literally: On December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will have a Grand Conjunction.

Called the “Grand Conjunction” because it involves the two largest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn make a close visual approximation in the night sky approximately every 20 years. They did so for the last time in the hours before sunrise on May 31, 2020; This year’s conjunction is special because it will illuminate the planets in an even closer visual alignment.

This year, Jupiter and Saturn will pass within 6 arc minutes of each other; that’s the closest they’ve been since March 4, 1226, making for a once-in-a-lifetime astronomical sight. They will appear so close that it will be difficult to distinguish them with the naked eye, even though the planets are hundreds of millions of miles apart. Add in the fact that the Great Conjunction is happening just before Christmas and it’s no wonder people have rated this a much-needed Christmas Star in 2020.

If you want to see the Great Conjunction safely this year, you will probably need to travel, but it will not require a flight or overnight accommodation. Instead, you should be able to safely comply with local travel restrictions in your area and still find a place to socially distance yourself and be able to enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event. Here are some safe viewing tips for this once-in-a-lifetime Grand Conjunction.

1. Plan the location you want to visit

One of the most important tips for planning an out-of-home experience at this time is to cover the details in advance. In particular, you will want:

  • Make sure the place you want to go is open. Many national and state parks have limited access due to the ongoing pandemic, so researching ahead means you won’t be driving to find that your ideal viewing spot is not available.
  • Find a location with a good view of the western and southwest horizon (depending on your latitude). The two planets will appear closer to the horizon than to the zenith when the sun sets on December 21.
  • Find a place with little light pollution. While the best viewing opportunity is within two hours after sunset (when the sky is still somewhat clear and the two planets have not set), you will have a better experience if you are not near any important light.
  • Choose a place that is not likely to be crowded. It is especially important at this time that Americans limit their contact between homes. If you can find a place in a less visited park or green space, you will have a better time without worrying about other groups of people.

2. Bring the right gear and gear you need

You can absolutely see the Grand Conjunction without any equipment, but here are some tips to make the experience even better:

  1. Wrap! December 21 is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. As the sun sets that day, the temperature is likely to drop (depending on your location). Wear hats and gloves to keep warm so that you can enjoy watching the Great Conjunction for longer.
  2. A pair of binoculars or a telescope will help make the Grand Conjunction even more impressive. At the time of Conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn will be so close that you can see both planets and the four Galilean moons of Jupiter with minimal help.
  3. If you plan to stay and look at the stars after the night comes, grab a red lantern to help you see in the dark without affecting your night vision.

3. Check the weather

Unfortunately, we are still unable to control cloud cover, so be sure to check the forecast for the next few days before the Great Conjunction on Monday. If the weather is clear, great; you may not need to go far to enjoy a great view. If you have clouds, consider whether you can travel far enough to get clear skies.

4. Comply with local guidelines

This is an absolutely once in a lifetime astronomical sight, but it is not necessarily “essential”; don’t put your health at risk by seeing it. Remember to limit interactions with anyone outside of your home or group, wear a mask, and travel (by car) according to local health guidelines. That way everyone will have a memorable and healthy experience too.

No matter how you plan your Great Conjunction viewing experience, it is a fantastic way for astronomy enthusiasts to end the year. 2021 is also full of great astronomical events to look forward to too!
