Fauci on handling Trump, praises Irish COVID response


Telling the president the truth at all times is the only possible policy, Dr. Anthony Fauci told an Irish audience on Friday night on the Late Late Show.

When asked about how to deal with the White House as the leader of the COVID task force, he said: “You just have to tell the truth.”

“Go for the science and let yourself be guided and read by the data and scientific evidence. There are conflicts with people, you just don’t take it personally. ”

Read more: Dr. Anthony Fauci to appear on the Late Late Show in Ireland on Friday

When asked how he thought Ireland had responded to the pandemic, he praised Ireland’s response to the virus.

“It really gets to the point that I’m trying to make the enemy not be the public health people who are trying to contain the virus.”

He told host Ryan Tubridy: “Ireland wasn’t hit that hard (like the United States), but it was that hard, you did it … and what you did was put restrictions that were substantial restrictions and get a baseline back. .

“And what is your plan, is that you are going to access where you are and you have certain types of guidelines that are appropriate for where you are.

“And if you start to have a rebound, you will have restrictions to go to the next level.”

He added: “The enemy is the virus, the enemy is not the public health people who are trying to contain the virus.

“Obviously, when you try to contain the virus, it has had understandably negative economic consequences and we are all sensitive to that.

“We all want to get the economy back, but as I keep saying, the best way to get the economy back is to get the virus under control.”

Read more: Dr Fauci says European travel to the US will be banned for months

He also revealed his own connections to Ireland through his wife Christine Grady, a top-notch biologist whose grandparents were from Ireland.

Fauci has never visited Ireland, he said.
