Dangerous radiation levels on the Moon are a serious challenge for future lunar missions


Posing challenges for future space missions, scientists announced on Friday, September 25, that the next generation of lunar explorers will face two to three times more radiation than astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS). In addition to the potential health hazards that lunar researchers need to wear thick-walled suits to protect themselves, a study has been presented of the first comprehensive measure of radiation exposure on the lunar surface, based on readings obtained from a lunar module. Chinese landing in the far reaches of the Earth’s natural satellite. .

You could say that this is ‘important’ information not only for NASA but also for other agencies that aim to send astronauts to the moon. Published in the American Journal of Science Advances Study, a team of Chinese-German scientists has presented information based on radiation readings collected by Chinese landers.

Thomas Berger, a physicist at the German Space Agency’s Institute of Medicine, called the findings a “great achievement” and said it would provide experts with “baseline” data for radiation from the moon. Astronauts will receive 200 to 1000 times more radiation from the lunar surface than humans experience on Earth.

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‘The sky is a source of radiation’

Robert Weimer-Schweingruber of Christian-Albrecht University in Kiel, Germany, noted that lunar researchers would be exposed to five to ten times more radiation than passengers on a transatlantic Airlines flight due to the high risk of cancer. Not only did he note the inability of humans to resist such radiation, but he said that the only way astronauts can protect themselves from danger is to stay away from the sky. “The less you see the sky, the better,” added Wimmer-Schweingruber, because it is the main source of radiation.

AP “The difference is that we don’t fly as far as astronauts search for the moon,” Wimmer-Schweinger was quoted as saying by Wimmer-Swingruber, “Humans don’t really compensate for these levels of radiation. . And they must protect themselves when they are on the moon. “

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Entries: AP / Image: Rendering-Unsplash
