DEAR ABBY: I have an extremely well-educated and intelligent friend, whose emotions, ideas and opinions seem to be subject to the control of their relatively new partner. I would add that he has a bad temper, and I’m afraid it could escalate.
Jeanne Phillips
What are my options for reporting as an intervention in the situation? It is possible that they submit willingly, but it seems uncharacteristic. I have personal experience with this kind of situation regarding family members, but I do not want to make a fuss if I am wrong.
BEST FRIEND: Unless you have proof that your friend is being physically abused, the most useful thing you can do is stay in close contact and make sure she knows that you will always be there for her when they need you, day or night. If they trust that their husband has been emotionally abused, then support them by reminding them that, despite what her husband has told her, she is intelligent and well-educated.
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