Researchers from the University of Southern California recently said they have found the sequence of symptoms for the new coronavirus, which could help health care workers identify issues earlier than expected.
- The new findings would also help patients treat earlier.
“This is a good kind of guide. We can safely say, study as they did, I think it was 55,000 patients from China, they looked at the data and looked at the symptoms and found that this order was quite reproducible. “- Dr. Bob Lahita, a professor of medicine, told CBS News.
The order of symptoms
The study – published in the medical journal Frontier Public Health – found the sequence of symptoms to be:
- Fever
- Cough and muscle aches
- Nausea and / or vomiting
- Diarrhea
The researchers said that this command allows healthcare professionals to identify the coronavirus because the timing is different than with other viruses, according to CBS News.
Similar Range on COVID Types
- Earlier research from King’s College London suggested that there could be six different subtypes of the novel coronavirus, based on patients’ self-report symptom data, which I wrote about for
- The subtypes included those where there was fever and flu-like symptoms, but others where there were more gastrointestinal problems.