Young said how thieves killed his father for defending him; in Verbenal (Bogotá)


The crude murder of Nilson Gómez, who interposed between several criminals and his son, sparked protests in the Verbenal neighborhood, in the town of Usaquén (north of Bogota).

Hernandez featured in Caracol News that his father pounced on one of the thieves, but was later ambushed by a dozen thieves.

“My dad reacted; they are pushing us to the corner. Once we get to the corner, more than 10 guys come out. One took out a knife and hit my dad in the chest. My dad falls motionless. I saw everything as in slow motion, it was very painful, “said the young man, in dialogue with that medium.

He added that both he and his dad ran off as more were arriving. criminals from all sides. However, his dad tripped, fell to the ground and was repeatedly beaten by criminals.

“They got on top of him and hit him on the head. He was knocked unconscious at once; a woman beat him, ”said Diana Santiago, the victim’s daughter, in conversation with Blu Radio.

The young woman said that they went to the Police, but that there they were told that they could not capture the criminals because there was not enough evidence.

“It is something not to believe. We never thought it would happen to us; this is very painful, they took my dad’s life simply because of a cell phone. My dad was not a problem; he didn’t deserve that. We ask for justice in this case“Added the young woman, on that station.

This is the testimony of the victim’s son:

Assassination sparked protests in northern Bogotá

After the crime, dozens of people took to the streets to express their nonconformity, as they came out with banners and burned tires in the middle of the road.

In videos that circulate on social networks, it is heard when several people, who are standing in front of an apartment building, shout “murderers!”, Because apparently the signal is against the thieves, who would live there.

“Come out, criminals! Come out, assassins!”shout others, while some attack the windows of the building with stones.
