“You are a poor son of a bitch”: animal councilor, to Lafaurie


Although Lafaurie said that it was an issue that had to be dealt with “with the utmost rigor”, he repeatedly attributed the initiative to implement a meatless day in the capital to “Bogota mamertería ”that seeks“ to continue the prohibitionist path, which leads to nothing. “

Everything they don’t like, they try to ban it, but what they like they try to get the rest of society to follow“Added the union leader, who described the possibility of implementing the meatless day as a” restriction of freedoms “, a” violation of the constitution “and a” clear violation of the rights of butchers to work. “

Padilla explained that It would not be a mandatory measure, but rather a pedagogical one, which would be based on an “intensive awareness campaign related to the non-consumption of products of animal origin” for “the serious effects of raising animals for human consumption” on the environment.

Lafaurie qualified the subject as “politicking and demagoguery”, saying that there are also studies that deny that the impact of livestock farming and stating that such a measure could not “mitigate greenhouse gases”. For him, it is actually a strategy “to hit other sectors”, and he disputed the thesis of the impact of livestock on global warming, pointing out that pollution from transport vehicles would be the main cause. “When the world became confined, they reported improvement in pollution levels,” he said.

Later, the leader denied that intensive livestock farming was carried out in Colombia, and said that what exists is “a marginal thing.” “Stop doing cheap politicking,” he added, saying that He had a daughter who chose to be vegan when she was 12 or 13 years old, but “ended up with health problems and had to eat meat again”.

The lobbyist kept her calm tone until the end of the interview, despite the fact that her interlocutor He attacked her even saying that he would rather “save the life of a cockroach than a child”. However, once the broadcast of Semana ended, she herself published a piece of what happened next.

The clash of Padilla and Lafaurie, after the interview

Padilla published the images after Lafaurie trinara criticizing her for what was not seen on cameras: “The very ‘restrained’ environmental councilor (…) He said goodbye to the journalists of Semana with a tantrum included and with me he showed off: you are a son of a bitch (sic). This is how they express themselves when reason is not with them ”.

“Here the ‘restraint’ repeats it to you: you are a ‘son of a bitch’. I spoke about data and studies in the two interventions they gave me. You, who had three chances, just offend. I feel cool to have told you what you think of you, scoundrel, more than half the country, “she said.

In the video, Padilla complains to the journalists about what he felt was an imbalance in the way they handled the interview, recalling that the president of Fedegán had already been forced to retract his allegations against her: “I find it very regrettable that you have given him the opportunity to speak three times – and he only spoke of mamerteria, polythequery and corruption. They only gave me the chance twice, this man is an absolute jerk, ”he snapped.

He spoke again, but she interrupted him: “You are a poor, rude son of a bitch”.

“Man, thank you very much,” he replied, saying that he hoped the episode had been recorded. “Yes, let your constant and recurring boorishness be recorded sir”she concluded.
