WORLD: Woman walks her Bengal tiger through luxurious shopping center


The Bengal tiger normally lives in countries like India, Nepal and Tibet… and Mexico. This for a fact that if it did not have a photo, it would be doubtful, since a publication went viral where they denounced a woman walking her own tiger cub in a luxurious mall in Mexico City.

In that country, the possession of exotic pets is legal, except for one exception, the animal cannot be in danger of extinction, and that is exactly what a user and twitter alleged by social networks.

Woman walks her Bengal tiger through luxury shopping center

The problem was not only the violation of NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, but also the dangers of having a Bengal tiger, a wild animal, in an environment surrounded by stimuli that can trigger an imbalance in the feline.

Other questions that arose in the debate were about the future of the Bengal tiger. Where and how will an animal of this style be raised? The owner, meanwhile, commented that she was not doing anything illegal.

But this fact had already happened before, in 2017, also in Mexico City, when they walked a Bengal tiger like nothing. At this time the police tried to control the situation, but the animal was in order and completely legal.

But, speaking of good things, in this quarantine and pandemic chaos a new Bengal tiger was born in a private zoo in Mexico, which they called Covid. His mother his father were rescued and now they increased the scarce population of this animal in the world.


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