World: What a danger! The risky trend on TikTok that can damage teeth


TikTok, the social network that has become famous for its multiple editions, dances and now challenges, has dental health professionals concerned. Since a new challenge ended up being an activity that calls into question the safety of the people who execute it.

This challenge consists of correcting the way of teeth with a nail file. Well, little by little the body modification is taking more force. The idea began to gain popularity, after several influencers will be recorded demonstrating the risky practice, which can entail permanent damage to the denture, including sensitivity and even dental nerve death.

The genesis of all this was led by OMG, who uses a nail sandpaper in order to eliminate the irregularity of his teeth, received more than 50,000 ‘likes’ and numerous comments that encourage others to follow his terrible example.

What a danger! The risky trend on TikTok that can damage teeth

Tik Tok Internet

In the words of one’s own Me, expressed that he intended to save on the visit to the dentist and at the end of the publication assured that the trick “really works”. However, dentists differ quite a bit: they warn that the procedure destroys the enamel, that is, the main layer of the tooth, which protects it against acids from food.

“It is not the same as filing your nails. If you file your nails today, they will grow back tomorrow. Our teeth are permanent.”Dr. Chad Evans explained to Business Insider. And added that “The moment you remove the structure of the tooth, if you don’t know what you are doing, you are causing irreparable damage and destruction to your teeth”.

Given the situation, some dentists, such as Suhail Mohiuddin, decided to counteract this dangerous trend within the platform itself Tik Tok, recording videos aimed at that particular audience in which they explain about the possible negative consequences.

“Okay, you file them and they look pretty but you haven’t fixed the original problem. So what are you going to do in a couple of years, when they will be uneven again and your teeth will be shorter?”asked Mohiuddin.

What a danger! The risky trend on TikTok that can damage teeth


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