World: Unusual! Former cops indict each other for George Floyd’s death


George Floyd, died in handcuffs on May 25, when a police officer pressed his neck to the ground using one knee. This act unleashed a wave of protests throughout the country, and after that, the demonstrations have not stopped.

Now, the straw that overflowed the glass of water is that the accused are, as they say colloquially, “throwing the ball”, accusing each other for the death of the American. Attorneys for the four former Minneapolis police officers say each officer should be tried separately, as each one tries to minimize their own role in the murder of the citizen.

However, prosecutors differ somewhat. They say that the four should be tried together, since the similarity of the nature of the charges and the evidence are great. “It is impossible to evaluate the conduct of each defendant in a vacuum.” In addition to this, it is required to be only one because the evidence includes witness statements, body camera videos, and police department rules are similar in this case. Without naming that they acted similarly at the time of the assault.

“Here, the four defendants worked together to assassinate Floyd: Chauvin, Kueng and Lane held Floyd upside down while Thao prevented the crowd from intervening to allow the other defendants to hold their positions. The defendants discussed and analyzed their actions throughout the incident’‘says a prosecution document presented to the court.

Accused AP

Derek Chauvin, who was the officer squeezing his neck, is charged with second degree murder, third degree murder and manslaughter. While Thomas Lane, J. Kueng and Tou Thao are charged with complicity in murder in the second degree and unintentional murder.

The defense requests to dismiss the charges will not be a topic of conversation at the hearing. The trial is scheduled to be scheduled for March. On the other hand, it will be the first time that Chauvin will appear in person. The former agent is in prison and has attended the hearings virtually.

The accusations

The accusations abound in the briefs presented by the defenders. Lane and Kueng’s lawyers express that their defendants are rookies, who were therefore following orders from Chauvin. On the other hand, Thap’s advocate Bob Paule says his client’s role was “Absolutely different” of the others, because they were in charge of controlling the crowd and protecting the scene while the three former policemen held the American.

The lawyers of the four have requested the transfer of the process, because the publicity before the trial prevents them from giving them a fair trial.

Unusual! Former cops indict each other for George Floyd’s death


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