World: Study determines that children are infected six times less from COVID-19 compared to adults


In summer camps in Spain A study was carried out that determined that the reproduction rate of the coronavirus in children is below that of adults. While in infants it is between 0.3 in adults it is between 1.7 and 2.

1905 children and adults participated in the research carried out by the Sant Joan de Deú hospital in Barcelona. During the five weeks of testing, 39 infections were detected, 30 of them in minors. After tracing their contacts, only 12 new cases were found.

However, despite the low level of contagion that can occur from infants, this is not directly transferable to the school context. The open air and the smaller groups would allow the transmission or contagions not to be greater, which is different in the panorama of schools and colleges.

As explained Yolanda Jordan, principal investigator of the study, the work seeks “give clues to open schools in September in a safe and controlled way, applying measures such as those that have been implemented in summer camps.” In this sense, he stressed that the “bubble groups” were effective in “containing the transmission of the infection, to facilitate the traceability of contacts and to allow selective quarantine.”

In addition, specialists indicate that frequent hand washing, organizing small groups, using masks and planning outdoor activities are conducive to childcare. “This does not exclude that a system with larger groups cannot function properly”, Jordan pointed out.

He assured that, in the case of Spain, if proper protocols are followed, schools may be reopened “safely and with the lowest rates of infection and transmission possible.”

The new normal

Faced with the different discussions of the reactivation of all sectors, the return to classes was one of the main themes. On September 1, 2020, a new stage began in Colombia, called: selective isolation. That, in short, is the new normal to which all economic sectors will have to adapt, and here the schools take part.

The Minister of Education, María Victoria Angulo, explained that a process of co-responsibility is coming, in which there will also be guidelines adapted to each region of the country, according to its impact by COVID-19. Regarding the return to classes, the minister informed that they are advancing pilots, however, the construction of an alternation model is being developed, which will allow the attendance of some students to schools, guaranteeing the least crowding.

“We are ushering in a new phase of economic reactivation”

Study determines that children are infected six times less than COVID-19 compared to adults


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