Woman who denounced “invasion of Venezuelans” owes millions in services


After the complaint in which the citizen assured that Venezuelans were living at home without any contract, now she found out she’s full of debt by the impudence of its unwanted ‘tenants’.

María Isabel Abril, in dialogue with Vegetables, said the pandemic It plunged her into a severe crisis, which worsened when she stopped receiving the rent for her house.

First, he noted that You have not been able to pay the rent in the house where you live (a different one from the one that was invaded) because they haven’t paid the rent. In fact, he said that they gave him an eviction order.

Woman who denounced “invasion of Venezuelans” owes millions in services

As if it weren’t enough, Abril —that too reported an episode of domestic violence– says that the Venezuelans who invaded his house have not assumed their responsibility with the public services and the debt for consumption on the property was left to her.

“From the aqueduct, the last receipt I have is for 1’400,000 pesos,” April noted, who said that since August he has been waiting for his house to be returned.

But the debt is not only with the water, the affected one told this medium that the gas bill “It also exceeds a million. They don’t pay for services ”.

Here, the statements of María Isabel Abril about the debt with which she remained after the invasion of her home:
