Woman found on the high seas would have suffered psychological trauma


Angélica Gaitán, the woman who was found floating in the sea on Saturday morning, off the beaches of Puerto Colombia, “is afraid of high-end cars.” This was announced by her daughter Paula Castiblanco, noting that her mother had panic episodes several times when she saw vehicles with these characteristics, so she does not rule out that the woman had a psychological trauma that affected her mental health.

“Every time she saw a high-end car she would scream and say that they were coming for her, that we should not let her get on those cars. She covered her head and said that a man would come for her, ”said the woman’s relative.

Castiblanco told EL HERALDO that for almost a year they lost track of their mother, after she decided to leave for Ecuador in 2018.

“We think that during that period of time that she was missing, perhaps something could happen to her that caused that psychological trauma,” explained Angelica’s daughter.

She reiterated that for almost a year they did not hear from her mother, until March 14 of this year, when the husband received a notification from the EPS, in which they informed him that his wife had an appointment for psychology. “So we found out that she was in Barranquilla in a foster home, but we cannot say how she got to Barranquilla,” said the woman’s daughter.

Precisely, the information about Angélica’s fear of high-end vehicles is something that the authorities are investigating to clarify the case and the way the woman appeared floating on the high seas.

For her part, the Secretary of Health of Puerto Colombia, Estefany Frayle, stated that the woman was referred to a specialized psychiatry center, so that doctors could evaluate her mental and emotional state, and added that Angelica had a reunion with some relatives who arrived to the health post in Salgar on Saturday afternoon.

“The relatives said they would be in charge of her, however, the Women’s Office, the Secretary of Health and the Family Police Station will follow up on the case. The family met her there, where we gave them their space, ”said Frayle.

Remember that Two fishermen managed to save Angélica Gaitán on Saturday morning, after they found her floating more than 3 kilometers from the shore of Salgar beach, where doctors presume he spent more than 4 hours in the water.
