With the expulsion of the secretary, the bidding began between the Governor and the Director in the General Assembly of the Cdmb


In a first move by Aguilar Hurtado who for several weeks ago has been promoting a reform in the Cdmb to limit the functions of the current director, Reyes Nova, (who is quota of the former governor, Didier Tavera, Aguilar’s political enemy), and thus have greater control over the entity, he launched the first dart by putting the change and withdrawal of the meeting secretary of Environmental Corporation, Luis Alberto Flórez, against the corporation’s bylaws, for the consideration of the board of directors.

Also: “Governor Mauricio Aguilar wants to take over the Cdmb and Empas”: Juan Carlos Reyes

“In a proposal presented by the mayor of El Playón requesting that an ad hoc secretary be appointed, the articles of the statute that explicitly establish that the secretary of the Assembly is the Secretary of the Corporation were read, but the Governor did not want to hear the arguments and put for consideration the proposal where my departure from the meeting was approved. Obviously I will make the corresponding complaint for excess of functions, a proposition cannot be above the statutes of an entity. The statutes are law for the parties and must be respected by all associates ”, explained Luis Alberto Flórez.

The mayors who voted in favor of the official’s departure were the local leaders of: Piedecuesta, Girón, El Playón, Charta, Rionegro, Lebrija and Governor Mauricio Aguilar.

After the departure of Flórez, the Cdmb assembly members were voting on a proposal to change the agenda of the session, where it is not ruled out that the Government presents its initiative to change the statutes despite not having been previously approved by the Board of Directors of the Environmental Corporation.

“This proposal that the Secretary General of the Cdmb not be the secretary of the Board of Directors or the Assembly of the Corporation, is one of the changes proposed by the Government in the modifications to the statutes of the entity. They are already applying the new statute without being approved. It would be nothing strange if they now want to impose the new statute without prior approval of the Board of Directors as required by law ”, added Luis Alberto Flórez.

News in development.
