With plastic bags! This is how nurses caring for patients with coronavirus in Leticia hospital are protected


Nurses shared some photos in which you can see their protection elements to care for patients with coronavirus in the hospital in Leticia, Amazonas.

In the images it is observed that they must use plastic bags, since they do not have the complete biosecurity elements.

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In fact, this week there was a massive resignation of the health personnel of that hospital. The nurses claimed that, in addition to not having guarantees for care, they had been evicted from the hotels where they were staying to protect their families.

In context: New massive resignation of health personnel in Amazonas

A hospital in crisis

The San Rafael hospital is the only public hospital that the Amazon has. For several days, it has been the focus of complaints about previous mismanagement, which have an impact on the precarious attention it provides during the pandemic.

In fact, the National Superintendency of Health intervened him and reported that he had legal, administrative, financial and healthcare failures.

We recommend: Institutional laziness and civil disobedience, the other Leticia viruses

On the other hand, Amazonas is the department with the highest rate of coronavirus infections in the country. As of May 9, 433 positive cases and 19 deaths from the virus were reported.

More news from Colombia, here.

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