Why traveling to San Andrés is the best way to support the islanders


Jhonny Cay beach, on the island of San Andrés.  Shutterstock.
Jhonny Cay beach, on the island of San Andrés. Shutterstock.

Since Hurricane Iota devastated the Archipelago department of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, the locals have not stopped highlighting the importance that tourism has for the reconstruction of the island.

That is why here you will find the reasons why traveling to the archipelago is a great opportunity to contribute to the reconstruction of the beaten islands.

According to Juan Carlos Osorio Aguilar, president of Cotelco, the tourism sector represents 14,000 direct jobs in the archipelago, coming only from hotel occupancy.

On the other hand, the National Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies – ANATO assured that the serious effects that the islands suffered after the passage of Iota have direct implications on their economy.

Paula Cortés, president of ANATO, affirmed that one of the most important ways to support the inhabitants of the islands is to continue choosing them as a destination, since more than 70% of its inhabitants depend on tourism.

“I believe that The best way to support Andrés is by not stopping traveling, taking into account that most of its inhabitants depend on tourism and of course all the aid that can be made for the reconstruction of the archipelago “Cortés assured on RCN Radio.

Fisherman of San Andrés - Archipelago of Colombia.  EFE
Fisherman of San Andrés – Archipelago of Colombia. EFE

In turn, he pointed out that travel agencies usually have San Andrés as a leading destination in sales and that for this reason hotel occupancy exceeds 80% in almost all seasons of the year.

According to Migración Colombia, San Andrés received 99 thousand foreign visitors in 2019 and the Civil Aeronautics assured that the island, before the disaster, had been receiving 1,200,000 domestic passengers, that is, 4.1% of the national total.

90% of the archipelago revolves around this sector. Providencia and Santa Catalina were greatly affected by the passage of Hurricane Iota, San Andrés had damages, but you can make your improvements more quickly; so, If we boost tourism, we can make Providencia also benefit, stated in El Espectador, Osorio Aguilar.

Jimmy Gordon, owner of the tourist site
Jimmy Gordon, owner of the tourist site “La Cueva de Morgan”, affected by Hurricane Iota. EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda

In turn, the manager pointed out in the same medium the importance of making a rapid reconstruction in the archipelago to continue with the reactivation of tourism:

“We are great generators of jobs and that is reflected throughout the archipelago; so we are doing a quick rebuild, enabling the roads that had problems and organizing the island’s tourist attractions. We hoteliers have such a resilience capacity that the minute after they told us we could activate the improvements, we started working ”.

Other reasons why traveling to San Andrés is one of the best options at the moment is because in addition to helping to reactivate tourism as the main economic activity, you can also enjoy a wide and diverse cultural wealth on the islands, with special discounts during this season.

The archipelago has about forty places to dive in its sea known as “seven colors” for its tones, ranging from intense blues, passing through marine greens and ending with purple touches, which enchant all visitors to the ecosystem declared in 2000 as Seaflower World Biosphere Reserve.

Fishs in San Andrés, Colombia
Fishs in San Andrés, Colombia

On the islands you can enjoy unique places full of mystery like the one always visited Pirate Morgan’s Cave, Blow Hole, Johnny Cay Regional Park, West View Ecopark and a wide range of water activities such as diving or snorkeling, kitesurfing and jet sky.

“Starting the recovery of San Andrés and the reconstruction of Providencia, It is necessary to establish a master plan with a clear focus on tourism mainly, given the vocation of the archipelago. This plan must be structured in environmental, cultural and economic axes, linking the native inhabitants, their traditions and knowledge. Why Why is tourism not for the benefit of local communities?, said in El Espectador, Javier Gómez R., director of the Peace and Development Tourism Corporation.

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