Why there will be no Halloween parties this year in Colombia – Government – Politics


During the ‘Prevention and Action’ program on Tuesday, the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, reported that the pandemic advisory committee defined that Halloween parties are not allowed on October 31.

(You can also read: Covid-19 caused 20% of all deaths in the country from March to October)

There were three reasons that led the Government to make this decision. On the one hand,
Minister Ruiz pointed out that scientific evidence shows that these parties and meetings have been the major cause of new infections in Europe.

He also explained that with the high rate of the population at risk that exists in the country, it is not possible to accommodate situations that expose life.

(We recommend: European countries that have reinforced measures for outbreaks of coronavirus)

On the other hand, Ruiz said that routes to collect sweets in shopping centers, streets or complexes are also prohibited, since “this has a very negative effect, in the sense in which what we call ‘supercontagators’ are generated, that is, , people who are passing from one place to another -possibly asymptomatic- and in this passing from one house to another it infects people “.

Finally, the determination was made because according to the minister “we are in a very special moment because we are lowering the epidemic curve, it is a consistent decrease, but still very fragile. So we are not at this moment to play with fire and we We have to be very judicious and responsible. The eventualities of Halloween and other parties can generate very severe problems, “he concluded.

(Further: Colombia, attentive to learn from the second pandemic wave in Europe)

President Iván Duque, for his part, called on Colombians so that children do not go “door to door” to ask for sweets “manipulated in other houses.” “Children can dress up in their family environment. Let us make sure that this celebration is happy and family friendly and that it can be had with that sense of protection,” he said.

The president also assured that citizens must continue to avoid crowds in order to prevent a possible outbreak of coronavirus infections. He said that this Tuesday the country reached 90% of recoveries from the virus, so we must not lower our guard and continue to respect all biosecurity protocols.

According to the most recent report from the Ministry of Health, the number of infections by covid-19 rose to 974,139, of which 65,928 are active. In the last 24 hours alone, 8,256 new patients were diagnosed with the virus, after 49,781 tests were performed.

(See here the details of the Minsalud report)

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