Why Mayor Claudia López was chosen as one of the 100 most influential women in the world


Why was Mayor Claudia López chosen as one of the 100 most influential women in the world?

The president of the capital; the indigenous leader Ecuadorian Nemonte Nenquimo, the Brazilian transgender model Lea T and the Argentine soccer coach Evelina Cabrera are one of the 11 Latin Americans who are included among the 100 most influential women in the world in 2020, according to the annual report of the British channel BBC.

When publicizing the list, those responsible for the medium assured that this year those who “They are driving change and making a difference in these turbulent times”. For this reason, the top ranking is blank as a tribute to “countless” women who “have made sacrifices to help others” in an “extraordinary year.”

The ranking also includes world figures such as Sanna Marin, the 35-year-old prime minister of Finland, one of the youngest women leaders in the world; American actress Jane Fonda, an activist against the climate crisis, and British scientist Sarah Gilbert, who is leading research at the University of Oxford to create a vaccine against the coronavirus.

Why was Mayor Claudia López chosen as one of the 100 most influential women in the world?

In the Latin American case, Lopez, the BBC highlights that she is the first woman to come to power in the Colombian capital, the second most important political position in the country, so the mayor says on the British media portal: “To the women of the world I say: do not stop. The social revolution that began last century will not stop.”

About Nenquimo, leader of the Waorani ethnic group, says she is an indigenous “committed to the defense of its ancestral territory, its culture and its way of life in the Amazon jungle”. The chain recalls that it is co-founder of the non-profit indigenous organization Ceibo Alliance and one of the 100 most influential people in the world of Time magazine.

As to Read T, highlights that not many models can say that her first job was for Givenchy and that in 2016 she was the first openly transgender person to participate in an Olympic Games opening ceremony, which is why she is classified as “A transgender advocacy pop culture icon, speaking out about discrimination against LGBT people.”

Cabrera also appears on the list, who stands out in a traditionally macho field such as soccer. As a show of courage, the athlete, who founded the Argentine Association of Women’s Soccer At the age of 27, she works as a coach with a marked social profile, helping “vulnerable women and girls through sports and education.”


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