Why Leopoldo López was invited to the daily program of Iván Duque – Government – Politics


This Monday, President Iván Duque surprised with a particular guest to the ‘Prevention and Action’ program, the daily space of the National Government to talk about the progress of covid-19 in the country and the measures to mitigate its impact.

It was the leader of the Venezuelan Opposition Leopoldo López, who spoke at the end of the broadcast, about five minutes, about the current situation in Venezuela. The two also spoke about care for the migrant population in the midst of the pandemic.

(We recommend: Duque said that Colombia will continue to recognize Guaidó as president)

López, it should be remembered, is currently on an international tour seeking the support of countries against Nicolás Maduro so that, through diplomatic channels, there is that transition that he speaks of.

Precisely, in this Monday’s broadcast, the Venezuelan leader commented that, in recent days, he visited Cúcuta, where he spoke with Venezuelan citizens who have had to cross the border with Colombia. “For anyone who sees what is happening, it is really sad: the forced departure of thousands of Venezuelans. This year, the number of Venezuelans who have left Venezuela may reach six million“.

And he added: “I want to thank the Colombian government and Colombians for their position on how the migratory crisis has been handled, which has the covid component, but goes further, because they are Venezuelans who are looking for something to eat.”

(Also: In 2021, Duque aspires to have 20 million Colombians vaccinated)

Then, he stressed that Colombia is “an example for the world in immigration matters.”

In his words, “The immigration issue is a front-line issue and I think The way Colombia and the Government have dealt with the reality of Venezuelans who have had to leave forcibly is an exampleEven for Europe, which has had so many conflicts with the migration issue from Africa and Syria. “

At the end of his speech, he referred to the shipwreck registered between Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago that left at least 19 migrants dead.

(Also read: What does the first mother of the Nation do? Juliana Márquez speaks, Duque’s mother)

It is striking that President Duque has led the Venezuelan opposition leader, to the extent that this is a program dedicated to what has to do with prevention and protection measures against covid-19.

And although Duke himself has been reiterative in that this is the idea and the criteria with which it is done, he has received some questions, since sometimes he leaves the script to highlight some works of his Government and in others, as happened this Monday, for a dialogue with an opposition leader from a neighboring country.

Precisely, this weekend Duque, in an interview with a Chilean newspaper, said that for his government the “fraudulent elections” held in Venezuela do not change anything at all. “The current National Assembly, the democratic one, is the one that we recognize, and the interim president (Juan Guaidó) is the president that we recognize, and we will continue to recognize him.”

