Who is the representative who was recorded asking EPS for payment? – Investigative Unit


Liberal representative for Risaralda Juan Carlos Reinales is a systems engineer from U. Piloto.

infipereira reinales

Former InfiPereira manager Juan Carlos Reinales Agudelo says that the balance of his management is positive and he is calm.


Rochy Lopez Velez


December 17, 2020, 02:47 pm

The now liberal representative for Risaralda Juan Carlos Reinales is a systems engineer from the Pilot University of Colombia and a specialist in Telematics.

Before being a congressman, he was manager of the Institute of Promotion and Development of Pereira (InfiPereira), or the second-tier bank of the municipality. Reinales was appointed to the post by the former mayor of Pereira Juan Pablo Gallo, who was suspended by the Attorney General’s Office in 2019 for alleged involvement in politics.

(Context notice: They record a congressman asking EPS for payments and talking about contracts)

The congressman worked for 12 years in the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Risaralda (Carder) and was a councilor of Pereira for two terms and a candidate for mayor of Pereira.

(In context: They fined a patient for double guardianship to EPS who denied medication?)

Reinales was criticized in 2018 because he named people in his UTL who had to do with the financing of his campaign. For example, he added lawyer Natalia Córdoba, daughter of Pereira councilor Atilano Córdoba, to his team, who donated to his campaign.

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He also named people close to Alfonso Correa, who also made contributions to his campaign.

In the Congress, the parliamentarian has been characterized by working on social issues, such as the increase in paternity leave, a project for which he was a speaker, and the regulation of work at home.

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