Who is the new director of the Police?


President Iván Duque announced on Tuesday the appointment of General Jorge Luis Vargas as the new director of the National Police after the departure of General Óscar Atehortúa from the institution.

In making the announcement, the Head of State recognized the outgoing Police Director for his contribution to the institution and the achievements in reducing crimes and fighting crime during the two years of the current Government.

“My appreciation, General Atehortúa, for your dedication to Colombia, for the way you have always worn the uniform: with dignity, with loyalty, with integrity and always thinking about the well-being of the men and women of our National Police”, said the president, Duque, in the middle of the announcement.

Who is General Vargas? The new director of the National Police, Jorge Luis Vargas, was born in Bucaramanga and has a career that includes his time at the Bogotá Metropolitan Police, the General Directorate, the Police Cadet School and the Police Intelligence Directorate.

His parents are Oliva Valencia and Brigadier General (r) José Luis Vargas Villegas.

He is a business administrator and a police officer specializing in Conflict Resolution and Comprehensive Security, and a Master’s in Public Security.

In addition, he is a graduate of the Senior Business Management program and the Leadership, Conflict and Courage program, Session XXXVII National Executive Institute in the United States.

“His career is marked by a vocation for service and teamwork,” reads the profile provided by the Police.

He has been the commander of the Bogotá Metropolitan Police, the General Directorate, the Police Cadet School and the Police Intelligence Directorate.

“General Vargas is a man who has great experience (…) his commitment to the institution is total, and he assumes the leadership with the premise and instruction that 2021 continue to be a year of reduction in crime and let us continue to provide Colombians with a feeling of protection and accompaniment, ”said the president.

Other Changes. Defense Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo announced other changes in the leadership of the Police. It was known that General Hoover Penilla will be the new deputy director of the Police. General Jorge Luis Ramírez Aragón leaves the Anti-narcotics Directorate to take over as Inspector General of the Police.

The position of citizen security will be assumed by General Carlos Ernesto Rodríguez who worked from Transit and Transportation.

The Directorate of Anti-narcotics will be in charge of General Alejandro Bustamante Jiménez, who was in charge of the Carabineros. And the current director of anti-kidnapping, Fernando Murillo, will be in charge of the Dijín.
