Where can you help the people of San Andrés from their cities? – Other Cities – Colombia


The devastating passage of Hurricane Iota through the islands of San Andrés and Providencia left hundreds of people homeless or lost their businesses.

(You may be interested in: The harsh testimonies from the passage of hurricane Iota in San Andrés)

The island still remains without power and Providencia has difficulties with communications.

As reported by President Iván Duque, who was able to establish contact with the mayor of Providencia, 98 percent of the island is affected.

(Also read: This is how Providencia woke up after a weekend of horror for the Iota)

The airport is flooded, making it even more difficult for aid to arrive humanitarian aid for the victims.

Pro Archipelago, which is the non-profit Foundation that works for the welfare of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, set up a savings account and collection points in the main cities so that people can help the victims.

“Our volunteers need us to equip them with elements and tools to be able to clean the island, we need to equip the shelters with food and we only do that with money, because there is no ship that will arrive on the island in less than 48 hours,” he said Farid Zardibia, director of Pro Archipiélago.

The savings account set up by the Foundation is 34800000675 from Bancolombia, in the name of the Pro Archipielago Foundation, and there is also an option through the Wompi system, which allows transfers from anywhere in the world through this link: checkout. wompi.co/l/VPOS_XM812U

(We recommend you read: This is how Providencia woke up after a weekend of horror for the Iota)

Volunteers from different cities of the country have lent their homes so that they are collection points.

You, from your city, can donate in kind: medicines, alcohol, sheets, mats, towels, tents, flashlights, batteries, candles, masks, adult and baby clothing, non-perishable food, baby milk, pet food and materials of construction.

In Bogota can be taken to six specific points:

-Street 67 # 11-32 apt 601.
-Race 58 # 80-25 apt 202.
-Carrera 13A # 101-12 apt 102 Rincón del Chico.
-Carrera 35 # 20-53 apt 503.
-Street 25 # 35-39 block b2 apt 502.
-Diagonal 136 # 87-61 Go up.

(See also: They assassinated the brother of the comedian ‘Syringe’ for stealing his car)

Bogota helps

To these addresses you can take the aid in Bogotá.

In Medellin can be taken to three specific points:

-Street 57 # 69-27 block 17 apt 1354
-Km 1.5 via Tablazo- Rionegro Antioquia.
-Race 28a # 10d-35 KAI restaurant

Medellin helps

In Medellín you can take the aid to these addresses.

In Cartagena you can take them to:
– El Conuntry Residential Park Block m lot 9.
-Barcelona de Indias Block 92 lot b3
-District Los AlpesTransversal 72 # 31b-54

Cartagena aids San Andres

In Cartagena you can take the aid to these addresses.

In Barranquilla you can take them to this address:
-Carrera 64c # 04b-93 apt 5a.

Barranquilla helps

In Barranquilla you can take the aid to this address.

In Cali you can take the aids to these addresses:
-Street 4 # 79-29 apt 501 block 3.

-Carrera 101 # 12A bis-15 house 56

Cali helps

In Cali you can take the aid to this address.

In Ibagué you can take the aids to this point:
-Carrera 22 sur # 129-00

Ibagué helps

In Ibagué you can take the aid to this address.

For its part, the National Government sent the ship ARC Independendiente, which departed from Cartagena to San Andrés in order to provide humanitarian aid on the island after the scourge of the Iota.

According to information released, “178 people are on board the ARC, including officials from the UNGRD and the National Navy, (…) there is a helicopter with its crew, with trained rescue personnel and firefighter personnel.”

(Further: Cartagena needs two urgent projects against climate change)

Chocó, another region crying out for help

Another of the departments that have suffered from the heavy rains is Chocó.

The rains registered on the night of Friday, November 13, affected the Chocó territory with overflowing of rivers and landslides in different municipalities.

Rafael Bolaños, Chief of the Chocó Disaster Risk Management Office reported the unfortunate news of the death of a 14-year-old minor in Carmen de Atrato due to a landslide.

There are hundreds of destroyed houses and flooded roads, so the Government is leading a campaign to collect humanitarian aid in different cities of the country.

(Photos: unfortunate consequences left by floods in Chocó)

If you wish to donate, you can do so through the offices of the Red Cross. Taking food, medicine, mats, blankets, and clothing to the centers of this entity that are in each city.

They also set up a Bancolombia savings account: 53600001795.

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