When do the vaccines against covid-19 arrive in Colombia – Health


Colombia confirmed that for this month the arrival of 217 thousand doses of the vaccine is expected Pfizer against covid-19.

There will be 100,000 doses by bilateral negotiation and 117 thousand doses by Covax. However, there is no exact date.

The vice minister of health, Alexánder Moscoso, said in Arriba Bogotá that the entry of vaccines is also expected AstraZeneca and Sinovac, but the official dates are also unknown.

(We suggest: WHO endorses Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine for people over 65 years old)

The information is optional for the President and the Minister of Health. The official information they have reported is that, in this period, from now to the end of the month, we are awaiting the entry of the Pfizer vaccine with 100,000 doses from the bilateral agreement and 117,000 vaccines from this same pharmaceutical company through the Covax strategy “Moscoso said.

For its part, the pharmaceutical Modern published a statement on Tuesday confirming that it signed an agreement with Colombia to supply the vaccine against covid-19. The country will receive 10 million doses in mid-2021, but the date is unknown.

In addition, the Russian embassy in Colombia confirmed that the country signed a confidentiality negotiation agreement for the acquisition of the Sputnik V vaccine It requires double application and refrigeration from -2 to -8 degrees, and has a durability of two years. As reported, after March there would already be an agreement closed and the first doses would be arriving, depending on the necessary amount requested by the Government.

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In the National Vaccination Plan against covid-19, it is contemplated to vaccinate 35 million Colombians in 2021, and the Government emphasizes that the health system, human capital and logistics capacities are ready to advance in that goal.

The vaccination process begins on February 20 and it is expected that in the first quarter of this year one million Colombians will be vaccinated.

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