When do international flights from Colombia resume?


The Minister of Transport, Ángela María Orozco, announced that as of September 21 International flights from Colombia will resume.

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Orozco indicated that phase one of the reactivation of the flights will be implemented at the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón (Cali), El Dorado (Bogotá), José María Córdova (Rionegro) and Rafael Nuñez (Cartagena) airports.

United States, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and Guatemala will be the pilot destinations. “Other destinations will be reopened to the extent that opening conditions and borders (of the other countries) allow it.”

He also pointed out that for the definition of routes to other countries, the operational capacity, the level of openness and the commercial interest of the airlines are evaluated.

Likewise, a commitment must be set to avoid crowds at airports and strict compliance with all biosecurity regulations.

Also read: Colombia is approaching 608 thousand cases of people recovered from coronavirus

Among the regulations, it is established that all crew members must present the negative test for Covid-19.

For its part, the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz presented the biosecurity protocol for the management and control ofl coronavirus in international air transport.

  • Passenger access to the airport will be a maximum of three hours before the scheduled departure of the flight.
  • The use of the mask will be mandatory from the entrance of the airport, during the trip and at the arrival destination, regardless of the duration of the tour.
  • For short flights it is recommended not to use the aircraft toilets.
  • For medium and long duration flights it is recommended to wear multiple masks to replace them during the trip.
  • The passenger must remain in the assigned seat throughout the flight.
  • To enter or leave the country, the passenger must compulsorily fill out, before check-in and therefore prior to entering the immigration control posts, a record that is on the Migración Colombia page (migracioncolombia.gov.co), El Form must be completed 24 hours before the flight.
  • To enter Colombia, a PCR test must be performed and the result must not be greater than 96 hours before the stipulated time of the flight.
  • In order to leave the national territory, the requirements agreed by the destination country must be met.

Likewise, the Minister stressed that the Coronapp application should be used. To the Arriving in Colombia the airport will have all the carousels for the delivery of luggage in order to avoid crowds.

“Specific carousels should be allocated for flights from countries or areas with high impact or that we can call risky”, Ruiz pointed out.

Finally, he indicated that international flights from duration less than two hours there will be no service on board. On these short flights, airlines will be responsible for making announcements and recommendations for passengers.
