When could vaccinations begin in the US and Latin America?


(CNN) – The news about the development of vaccines against the coronavirus has been encouraging in recent weeks, with reports that they are almost 95% effective in combating covid-19.

Even with many of these vaccines in clinical studies, some experts are optimistic about the initiation of vaccination against COVID-19.

“We can probably start delivering vaccines in December and then progressively over the next several months,” Dr. Anthony Faucci said of the vaccination process.

Two vaccine manufacturers – Moderna and Pfizer – are making great strides to get their developments out there. These two companies have applied for emergency use authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The World Health Organization has registered more than 40 vaccines against covid-19 in very advanced phases of testing.

Covid-19 vaccine distribution ready in the US 0:38

The FDA’s decision on emergency use authorizations for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is expected to come in early December.

“By the end of December, we expect to have about 40 million doses of these two vaccines available for distribution pending FDA clearance, enough to vaccinate about 20 million of our vulnerable Americans. And production, of course, would continue to increase after that, ”said the US Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Operation Warp Speed ​​and coronavirus vaccines

According the CDC, to through since operation Strain rate (which wants say Operation to Speed of the Light) wait supply «vaccinations safe what be effective»By the end of 2020.

“When the vaccine is licensed and approved in the United States, there may not be enough doses available for all adults,” the CDC said. “Supplies will grow over time and all adults will be able to get vaccinated by the end of 2021,” added the CDC.

Authorities warned that a coronavirus vaccine may not be available for young children “until further studies are completed.”

WHO: vaccines against covid-19 will be scarce in 2021 0:50

What will happen to vaccines against the coronavirus in Latin America?

There is a great race frantic of the big pharmaceutical by put on these vaccinations how much before in the market international. But will be Finally the governments those who decide its approval Y when Y how they are going to to distribute some from they.


Argentina will buy millions of doses of vaccines in phase 3 4:24

President Alberto Fernández said in a statement on November 27 that he hopes that 13 million people in Argentina can be vaccinated between January and March, in order to have “immunity” before the arrival of autumn in the country.

«We are working, under the leadership of the Minister of Health and I myself am participating in the Strategic Vaccination Command, seeing how together with the governors to build the necessary infrastructure to be able to think about vaccinating all people at risk between the months of January and February, so that when March arrives, when autumn arrives, the entire population at risk will be immunized through vaccines, ”said Fernández.

The vaccination plan seeks to cover, in principle, health personnel, security personnel and the armed forces. Also to teaching staff, people over 65 and those with risky diseases. [CORREO: Dos ciudades pasan a Aislamiento Social, Preventivo y Obligatorio (ASPO), mientras que el resto del país continuará con Distanciamiento Social, Preventivo y Obligatorio (DISPO)]

The government of President Fernández announced in mid-November that it will receive millions of doses of the Russian vaccine Sputnik-V and also the vaccine developed by the University of Oxford together with Astrazeneca. Neither is approved, and the latter is under review by the FDA. Argentina plans to make a millionaire investment at risk to advance in the design of a probable vaccination that mitigates infections in the country.


Colombia joins the study of the vaccine against covid-19 1:09

The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, said in mid-November that the Government of Colombia defined a strategy for accessing the coronavirus vaccine for months, through the participation of the multilateral mechanism Covax, with which it is expected that the vaccine reaches the country in the first half of 2021.

Through Twitter, Ruiz said that the country has insured 20 million doses of vaccines against covid-19.

The government’s goal is to immunize high-risk people and initially the high-risk population, such as those over 60 and health professionals. It will be distributed through the general health social security system, according to the Ministry of Health.


What will happen when the covid-19 vaccine is ready? 4:48

The Mexican government has signed pre-purchase agreements for more than 77.4 million doses of AstraZeneca, 35 million doses to CanSinoBio and between 15.5 and 34.4 million to Pfizer.

Distribution is expected to begin in December for Pfizer, and between March and August 2021 for AstraZeneca. The government estimates that 107 to 116 million Mexicans can access vaccines.

In August 2020, the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador explained that the first vaccines would be for health personnel, the elderly and the chronically ill.

– With information from Miguel Ángel Antoñanzas.
